[正妹] Strong Woman
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[閒聊] 佛地魔演員發聲 為JK羅琳 遭遇辯護擷取其中一段 I mean, I can understand a viewpoint that might be angry at what she says about women,” he continued. “But it’s not some obscene, über-right-wing fascist. I爆
Re: [新聞] SIE遭前員工性別歧視指控 恐變成集體訴訟去翻一下英文新聞 PlayStation Faces Gender Discrimination Lawsuit From Former Staffer 她提到的歧視方式有... For instance, in the suit, Majo alleges that one manager would not close the91
[影音] Dreamcatcher - BONVOYAGE專輯封面 [Apocalypse : From us] 發行日 2023.05.24 發行 Kakao Entertainment 企劃 Dreamcatcher Company71
[閒聊] Street Woman Fighter 男舞者任務Street Woman Fighter Semi Final 男舞者任務 HolyBang x Jay Park x JOONY x WaSsup x xion x Mr.Force YGX x Kwontwins x Jinwoo yoon x Clown Maker x Hyunse Park55
[影音] Dreamcatcher - OOTD專輯封面 VillainS 發行日 2023.11.22 發行 Kakao M 企劃 Dreamcatcher Company 01. Intro : This My Fashion32
[情報] 鏈鋸人124情報洩漏 有雷雷 轉貼來的 下墜惡魔繼續把人送進空中的門裡 朝還在遜砲 夜沒辦法控制她 朝要被吸進門的時候鏈鋸人出現了5
[情報] 1/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 31 2021 There are many people who would come upon an obstacle in the road and would believe that their quest was not meant to be, and they would quickly give up. Or they would think that getting around that obstacle would prove to be too challenging, and they would turn around. But when you come up against a2
[問卦] 未來比賽生理男報女子組是不是穩了?最近雖然一堆性別問題什麼多元LGB什麼碗糕的 性別爭議吵吵吵,但我感覺這種玩法未來應該可以更加激進! 看到有人轉發了南方公園的 Strong Woman 競賽橋段,再加上近期的隱私權爭議 未來要是有個超級壯的 1. 父權主義2
[情報] 7/26 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 26 2021 You may be both excited and fearful about a new possibility that seems to be opening up in your life. This may offer you the chance to get in the door on something that has been closed to you for a long time. But what if you get your hopes up too high and it never comes to be? You are strong enough toX
[廢文] I Will Survive ☺At first I was afraid, I was petrified, Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side, But then I spent so many nights thinkin' how you did me wrong, Igre strong, and I learned how to get along, And so your back, from outer space,