Re: [Holo] Gura TTRPG 鯊鯊角色簡述

看板C_Chat標題Re: [Holo] Gura TTRPG 鯊鯊角色簡述作者
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Gura 鯊鯊的角色:Scout


來自 Belt-buckle 小鎮的 Scout


美德 (Virtue):剛毅 (Fortitude)
惡德 (Vice):憤怒 (Wrath)
專業:農業專長 (農家女)

缺陷:文盲 (+1)
重聽 (+1)



.有一條可以用來當成止血帶、拿來勒索人、過濾空氣、當眼罩的頭巾 (???

.髮色:金色混橘色 (Orange/Blonde mix)!

.A visibly strong girl with toned arms and abs.
.Long layered, unkept, wavy hair to the waist
.Nose dotted with freckles.
Sunkissed shoulders and a slight farmertan
.Studied (and forged) the blade
.Bandana used as tourniquet, strangler, air filtration and eye cover
Looks cool.



.在 Belt-buckle 小鎮中的家庭農場長大,與父親、母親及妹妹同居

Gura:Scout grew up on a family farm in tiny BeltBuckle any town in USA.
Lives with her Pa, her Ma and her sister.

.在很小的時候就學會了如何打造馬蹄鐵,目前在打造刀具 (武器)

Gura:She learned how to forge horseshoes at young age,
and is now forging blades.
The obvious next step up from horseshoes is a weapon, right?

.從來沒學過識字、閱讀,只能讀非常基礎的詞彙 (例如:有毒!請勿食用!)

Gura:She’s never taught to read.
Can only read basic text, and I like to use the example of basic text... such as “TOXIC, DO NOT INGEST.”
That’s about it.


Gura:She likes doing donuts with Pa’s old Ford.
Was gifted a Harley for 18th birthday.

.非常沉迷於看各種爸媽到處亂放的舊武士、西部片 (錄影帶…現在有人記得 VHS 嗎…)

Gura:She obsessed with watching old samural and western films.
Pretty much whatever VHSs her parents had lying around,
was the… whatever she would stick in the old video player

.在 Belt-buckle 小鎮中成長讓她學會了非常充分的農村及生存技能

(這段 Gura 一直沒辦法好好念出 rural 超好笑)

Gura:Growing up in BeltBuckle has taught her ample rural…
I can’t say this word.
“SURV~~I~~VAL” skills.
Umu… I can’t say “rural”

Gura: “R~~U~~RAL”
Gura: So, she can take care of herself, and umm…
I guess was familiar with environment which will be “R~~U~~RAL.”


Gura:She has intendency to lack empathy,
and can be selfish due to having to make things work for herself
… by herself.

.喜歡踹門 (直接踹倒…)

死神:OK, 我決定在遊戲中新增更多的門

Gura:Also, she likes kicking doors (down?), just cause she can!
No one is fine.
Calli:I love it! WOW, somebody wants told me, alright.
That’s beautiful. I love it! Absolutely love it.
We need to put more doors in this game.
Need to put more doors in this game, for sure!




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uruzu00707/02 10:52太可愛了

tsubasawolfy07/02 10:52幫補表上沒有的角色設定 bra跟丁字褲

tsubasawolfy07/02 10:54另外鯊鯊直播時頭上戴的帽子 火鉗跟比基尼內褲 就是

tsubasawolfy07/02 10:54這角色的代表物...還是順便押韻?

帽子是會限影片裡一起畫的 其他表上沒寫到的設定有些也是那天會限邊畫邊跟觀眾聊的 有興趣的可以加個會員去補 XD

Nightbringer07/02 10:57繃帶包著一隻眼睛而缺陷只有文盲跟重聽,所以那是什

Nightbringer07/02 10:57麼邪氣眼(忍笑)之類的嗎?

Ttei07/02 10:57推個wwww

dustlike07/02 10:59原來她一直講踹門是人設的一環www

ray4807/02 11:00原來是難打頭潛在用戶

kevin5060507/02 11:00rural那段你貼的時間太晚了 建議改成1130s

NicoNeco07/02 11:10

mushrimp546607/02 11:16果然是牛仔鯊

darren258607/02 11:29眼睛包繃帶只是他的人設,本來是單眼眼罩

DDG11451407/02 12:02感謝翻譯

DH302007/02 12:03這個人設真棒,我是GM一定讓Gura踹門踹爽爽然後羞恥play

orangeo0o07/02 12:24原本以為在美式封閉小鎮的金髮妹一定是boing boing 結

orangeo0o07/02 12:24果人設圖出來還是....XDDDD

其實鯊鯊有問聊天室關於這個的意見 然後聊天室瘋狂刷 Flat ... So.... 另外,髮色設定上是


(Orange/Blonde mix)!

※ 編輯: modoki ( 臺灣), 07/02/2021 12:36:25

j2791068107/02 13:19Scout超騷

paul01201107/02 15:38鯊有在社群開會限投票 金橘混色壓倒性勝出

paul01201107/02 15:38老實說這個粉絲畫的scout橘色有點太少 鯊鯊原版的概

paul01201107/02 15:39念圖橘髮才是大宗