[情報] 18/12/2020 Daily Horoscope
Many people don't have enough insight to see their own faults or
weaknesses. They glide along through life blissfully ignorant of what they
might improve. But you are highly introspective, Moonchild. You not only
know your faults and weaknesses - you probably have them cataloged in your
mind! While self-awareness is a strength because it means you can improve
yourself constantly, too much focus on what you don't like or what is
wrong only leads to a self-defeating attitude. Holding yourself in high
esteem today will be especially important to a new opportunity. Focus on
your strengths and talents.
[情報] 18/07/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你的一個比較靜態(或者安靜)的才能今天可能會成為焦點。 這是你做的事情,如此自然和天真,你甚至可能不認為這是一個特殊的禮物。 不過,這是你喜歡的事情。 如果你跟著自己的感覺走,展示你的才華,你可能會發現一個崇拜的觀眾,並有機會在這 個領域做一些真正的大事。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/22你生活中的某人可能有非常好的藉口使你失望,阿牛。事實上,他們可能一直都有非常好 且能夠理解的藉口而不去為你付出。加上你又是個可愛與善解人意的人,所以你已經開始 接受了這一切的表面價值。但如果你開始注意到某種持續著的固定模式,可能是時候約對 方出來談談了。他們可能不是壞人,只是不成熟或懵懂無知而已,如果你希望事情得到改 善的話,有時候坦率是最好的方法。2
[情報] 08/19 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期三 8月 19 Gemini horoscope for 星期三 8月 19 You might feel silly or foolish admitting that you don't know all there is to know about a situation you are becoming involved in. You might even be trying to hide this from others, dear Gemini. But recognizing that you don't know eve2
[情報] 15/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你今天可能需要調整態度,月之子。 如果你在回顧錯誤和錯失的機會時感覺好像失敗了,那麼你需要扭轉這種想法。 你可能經歷過一些後悔或沒有以正確方式利用機會的時刻,但你一直努力做到最好。 請嘗試將這些經歷視為基礎的一部分。 它們給你力量、智慧和遠見-這些都是有價值的東西。2
[情報] 23/12/2021 Daily Horoscope當你進入或者希望進入一個新的機會時,你可能會擔心它不會成功,因為你不知道關於它 的一切。 但實際上,月之子,這是你的優勢之一。 你向自己和他人承認還有更多東西需要你去學習,這個概念本身就可能是你在這個探索中 更可愛的資產之一。1
[情報] 22/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你生活中的某個人經常讓你失望。 那麼月之子,為什麼他們還在你的生活中? 考慮到反復出現的失望,把它們放開不是明智的做法嗎? 也許你留那個人是因為你希望下次他們不會讓你失望。 儘管這種態度有時可能會反過來咬你,但有時最好的情況確實會出現。1
[情報] 20/11/2021 Daily Horoscope月之子,不要那麼的謙虛。 這個建議可能不適用於現在的你,但如果不適用,那麼很快就會適用。 你可以很謙虛,因為你是一個認為自誇就是自戀的表現。 你甚至可能覺得你的成就應該靠自己的優點。 但有些時候,你確實需要指出它們。1
[情報] 02/25 Daily HoroscopeWhat do you need to change in your life to make yourself happier? That's the q uestion that needs to be pondered now, Leo. You may be focused on what's going wrong, but you need to focus on how you can change whatever is causing things to go wrong - because you absolutely make those changes to get what you want. Don't take a defeatist attitude. That kind of attitude doesn't fit you. Remem1
[情報] 05/01 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your life sees you as a source of strength and comfort. They may co me to you soon seeking out something they need. But even though you may not ha ve exactly what they are looking for, Gemini, that does not mean you don't hav e something extremely valuable to share. Whatever you have to give, or don't h ave to give, you are still that steady source of strength and comfort to that- 因為你真的很擅長某件事情,並不意味著你沒有什麼需要學習的地方。 親愛的月之子,即便你生來就有讓人驚訝的天賦,仍有一些細微的差別和智慧,你必須通 過時間、實踐和經驗來發展它。 你可能會對一個學習機會心存芥蒂,因為你覺得自己已經知道會需要做什麼。 但如果不出意外,它可以為你已經非常擅長的事情增加一個層次。