Re: [爆卦] 衛報: 拒絕上海復星的BNT疫苗完全是政治考量

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How Taiwan’s struggle for Covid vaccines is inflaming tensions with China


As island faces new outbreak and mistrust of Chinese jabs, Beijing objects todonations from US and Japan


Helen Davidson in Taipei

記者: Helen Davidson台北特派

Vaccines are the latest flashpoint inflaming cross-strait tensions between
China and Taiwan, as the latter tries to fend off its worst coronavirus
outbreak since the pandemic began with a mostly unvaccinated population and
the former rails against outside assistance from Taipei’s allies.

疫苗使已經惡化兩岸關係更火上澆油,台灣正想撲滅新冠肺炎疫情,因台灣人大多沒打疫苗,事情顯得棘手,而中國又不斷抱怨(rails against)台灣盟友的幫忙

Global vaccination drives are widely seen as the only way out of the Covid-19pandemic, but in Taiwan, just 3% of the population has received at least one
dose. Now the island is battling hundreds of cases a day and does not have
enough vaccines for its 23.5 million people.

似乎只有大量施打疫苗,才能免於疫情傳播,而台灣只有3%的人打疫苗,現在台灣每天都有幾百例病例(hundreds of cases a day),目前疫苗不足以供給2300萬人施

Affected by global shortages, low initial orders, and accusations of
geopolitical interference, it has received only a few million doses, and
international allies are stepping up to help.

因全球疫苗短缺,台灣一開始就少訂了疫苗(low initial orders),還有地緣政治干涉(指中國打壓台灣),到現在台灣只有收到幾百萬劑疫苗,而台灣的盟友,正想辦法幫助台灣

On 4 June, Japan sent a plane carrying 1.24m AstraZeneca doses and days latera delegation of US senators flew to Taipei to announce a donation of 750,000


Both countries cited their close friendship with Taiwan and noted,
respectively, Taiwan’s assistance to Japan after the 2011 tsunami and to the
US early in the pandemic. The donations were enthusiastically welcomed by
Taipei, with huge messages of thanks projected on to buildings in the city.


Beijing strongly objected. China’s foreign ministry suggested Japan was
exploiting the pandemic “to put on political shows”, and accused the US of
breaching the “one-China” principle, which asserts that Taiwan is an
inalienable part of China.


Both donations showed how much less Tokyo and Washington worry about
aggravating Beijing, amid deteriorating relations. Drew Thompson, a former USdefence department official responsible for managing bilateral relations withChina and Taiwan, said it was probably a logistical coincidence that Japan’s
vaccines arrived on the hypersensitive anniversary of the Tiananmen Square
massacre, and that the US senators flew in on a military plane. But previous
administrations in Tokyo and Washington might have ensured they didn’t.

美日兩國已經知道這或許會惡化和北京關係, Drew Thompson,美國前國防部官員,之前專門處理中國及台灣問題的,他說日本刻意在6月4日天安門事件當天送疫苗來台,還有美國參議院搭軍機來台,就是要刺激中國,不過東京跟華盛頓否認這種說法

“The donations were less about the China relationship than they were about
helping Taiwan,” Thompson said. “[Japan and the US] have a vested interest
in supporting Taiwan. Taiwan is a major trading partner, a critical supply
chain link, there’s Japanese expats in Taiwan, there’s strong affinity
between two cultures.

“美日兩國知道即使得罪北京,也要捐贈台灣疫苗” Thompson 說,美日在台灣有極大利益

“Japan is really doing this because it’s in their interest to keep the
population of Taiwan healthy,” he said, also citing Taiwan’s globally
crucial semiconductor manufacturing.


“You’re not supporting Taiwan just to antagonise China, and that gets lost
a lot in these conversations.”

(and that gets lost a lot in these conversations.)

Chinese jabs would be political ‘kiss of death’


Beijing says it has the answer to Taiwan’s problems, offering to supply
vaccines to the government or – after Taiwan rejected that offer – directly
to any resident who wants to fly to China for a jab.


China’s altruistic statements have been somewhat contradicted by its
objections to the US and Japan donations, and by Taiwanese allegations (whichChina denies) that it actively blocked a deal Taiwan was working on with the
German vaccine producer BioNTech.


“One of the major obstacles for Taiwan to obtain vaccines from foreign
sources, such as BNT or even Covax, is indeed the Chinese government,” said
Prof Wen-Tsong Chiou, the director of Academica Sinica’s information law

“阻止台灣購買BNT 及 Covax疫苗的障礙,就是中國當局”中研院法律中心的教授
Wen-Tsong Chiou說

Beijing considers Taiwan to be a breakaway province of China that must be
retaken, by force if necessary. Under this constant existential threat, Taiwan’s government and population has low trust in Chinese vaccines.


If Taiwan accepted Chinese vaccines it would be the political “kiss of death
for the DPP [Taiwan’s ruling party]”, Thompson said. “It’s quite likely
China would take some sort of gratuitous swipe … see it as a capitulation or
recognition of Beijing’s superiority.”

如果台灣接受中國疫苗,對民進黨(台灣執政黨),會是個政治死亡之吻, Thompson說,就好像中國在台灣有種支配權,變成台灣好像簽訂投降協定(capitulation),中國變成台灣的上級

China said Fosun – the Shanghai-based manufacturer with exclusive regional
production rights for Pfizer/BioNTech – had offered to supply Taiwan, but
Taiwan had refused.


Thompson said there were scientific and transparency concerns about China’s
vaccines, which made it unsurprising and potentially sensible for Taiwan to
reject an offer of Chinese-developed vaccines. But if the Fosun offer is
legitimate, refusing it is “entirely political”.


“Pfizer and BioNTech have a huge incentive to ensure that the Fosun product
is equivalent, so I would think there is no concern,” he said. “There’s no
reason not to take it.”


Polling has shown Taiwanese people are largely opposed to receiving a
Chinese-made vaccine, but not necessarily to a foreign vaccine produced in
China, like the Fosun/BioNtech one.

民調顯示台灣人是很反對中國製造的疫苗,可是不需要去反對外國廠商在中國生產的疫苗,像Fosun/BioNtech one.

The push for domestic vaccines

Approval ratings for Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, have plummeted from
more than 70% to about 40% in the 12 months since her re-election, and her
government is taking political heat for the outbreak and the vaccine shortage.


Before the current outbreak in Taiwan, so few members of priority groups werebooking shots that authorities briefly opened vaccination up to the general
population. But now community appetite is bigger than available supplies.


The health minister, Chen Shih-chung, said Taiwan hoped to have 60% of the
population receive at least one shot by October – a target that requires
about 12m doses and depends on no more delayed orders and on the production
of domestic vaccines.


On Thursday, Chen said Taiwan had held talks with AstraZeneca to produce its
vaccine but that the talks had fallen through. He previously said Taiwan was
in talks with US companies about making their vaccines, though he did not
name them.

在星期四,陳時中說台灣已經跟AZ洽談,可是失敗(fallen through),他先前說台灣已經和美國疫苗廠洽詢疫苗,雖然他沒指名道姓

Last week, a member of Taiwan’s vaccine review board who had recently
resigned accused Tsai of putting undue pressure on the panel to approve
domestic vaccines still in trial stage, when she publicly announced she
expected doses to be available by July.

上週,有一名負責審核台灣國內疫苗的委員會成員辭職,並控訴蔡英文,在疫苗還在試驗階段(trial stage),就施加壓力要求核准疫苗上市,蔡英文的確在公開場合說她希望疫苗能在7月上市

Under pressure, the government has said private organisations can import
vaccines, though this is yet to happen and the offer is complicated by the
fact that most vaccine manufacturers prefer to deal directly with governments.


The opposition Kuomintang party and several politicians at the local county
level have sought to capitalise on the vaccine difficulties, leading to
political slanging matches. But Lev Nachman, a visiting scholar at the
National Taiwan University, said it still seemed “in the DPP’s electoral
interest not to get any China vaccines”.

(slanging matches),可是Lev Nachman,一個台大的訪問學者,他說”民進黨根本不想要任何跟中國有關疫苗”

Vaccine doses are being steadily administered to priority groups, and a
domestic vaccine candidate announced it would seek emergency approval on
Thursday. Nachman said these developments might keep the DPP’s head above
the political water, but if not, the question of accepting Chinese vaccines
could become more realistic.


“It would be foolish to say no, but it would be a measure of last resort,”
Nachman said.

“或許他們會很愚蠢的說NO,可是這將是最後可用手段”. Nachman說


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flavorBZ 06/14 23:28寧願台灣人死,不願接受中國代理

flavorBZ 06/14 23:28謝謝你們為愛台灣犧牲

Ginpunch 06/14 23:29low initial order不是這個意思

EMSOK 06/14 23:29拿命來抗中保台 只不過是別人的 真棒

CleanThunder 06/14 23:29政治防疫綠蟑螂的都去死吧

Ginpunch 06/14 23:30英文這麼破就不要做翻譯好不好?

docose 06/14 23:32一切都是政治考量人民生命只是籌碼

Ginpunch 06/14 23:33到底為什麼文章都沒法完整讀懂

Ginpunch 06/14 23:33還要沾沾自喜地出來翻譯啊

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pinkcat 06/14 23:39等你表現喔!很期待你的翻譯!加油

JackaLMeI 06/14 23:44應該請綠色中夭來一波鬼之翻譯的

hidden0517 06/14 23:57等推文兇人翻譯

sylke 06/15 00:07你的翻譯很多地方都與原意相悖耶......是

sylke 06/15 00:21或是跑掉了原話,例如”But if the Fosun o

sylke 06/15 00:21ffer is legitimate, refusing it is “ent

sylke 06/15 00:21irely political”.”這句說話者其實是用

sylke 06/15 00:22假設句來表達他比較保守的語氣,但你直接

sylke 06/15 00:22把「假若」這兩個字略掉了,看起來變成受訪

sylke 06/15 00:22者似乎非常強烈的在批評當局政治操作(雖然

sylke 06/15 00:22我們也都這麼認為)

urban 06/15 01:28超譯

gametv 06/15 01:54China denies中國否認翻譯成中國反對?zzzz

demintree 06/15 05:15英文不好不要勉強