Re: [爆卦] 衛報: 拒絕上海復星的BNT疫苗完全是政治考量

看板Gossiping標題Re: [爆卦] 衛報: 拒絕上海復星的BNT疫苗完全是政治考量作者
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: “You’re not supporting Taiwan just to antagonise China, and that gets lost
: a lot in these conversations.”
: “你(YOU我猜是美日)不要支持台灣去對抗(antagonize)中國,會使美日兩國遭受損失”
: (and that gets lost a lot in these conversations.)

Get lost a lot 這邊正確的翻譯是說前面這句在很多討論中很多人沒搞清楚

正確翻譯是 -

: Thompson said there were scientific and transparency concerns about China’s: vaccines, which made it unsurprising and potentially sensible for Taiwan to: reject an offer of Chinese-developed vaccines. But if the Fosun offer is
: legitimate, refusing it is “entirely political”.
: Thompson說中國疫苗或許有科學及不透明的問題,因為各種因素加乘,使台灣人拒絕中國開: 發的疫苗,可是上海復興(Fosun)提供的是合法的(legitimate),拒絕上海復興是完全”政: 治考量”

But if the Fosun 這邊你的翻譯也是錯的

正確翻譯 -

: “Pfizer and BioNTech have a huge incentive to ensure that the Fosun product: is equivalent, so I would think there is no concern,” he said. “There’s no
: reason not to take it.”
: “輝瑞(Pfizer)/BioNTech已經保證上海復興賣的疫苗是可靠的,我相這不是問題”他說,: ”真的沒有理由拒絕上海復興賣的疫苗”

正確翻譯 -
輝瑞(Pfizer)/BioNTech 有很大的利益動機來確保復星的產品是同樣的

: Polling has shown Taiwanese people are largely opposed to receiving a
: Chinese-made vaccine, but not necessarily to a foreign vaccine produced in
: China, like the Fosun/BioNtech one.
: 民調顯示台灣人是很反對中國製造的疫苗,可是不需要去反對外國廠商在中國生產的疫苗,: 像Fosun/BioNtech one.

正確翻譯 -

: Before the current outbreak in Taiwan, so few members of priority groups were: booking shots that authorities briefly opened vaccination up to the general: population. But now community appetite is bigger than available supplies.
: 台灣疫情爆發以前,像醫護等優先族群已經接種疫苗,政府也開放民間施打,可是現在疫苗: 數量已無法滿足民間

正確翻譯 -

: On Thursday, Chen said Taiwan had held talks with AstraZeneca to produce its: vaccine but that the talks had fallen through. He previously said Taiwan was: in talks with US companies about making their vaccines, though he did not
: name them.
: 在星期四,陳時中說台灣已經跟AZ洽談,可是失敗(fallen through),他先前說台灣已經和: 美國疫苗廠洽詢疫苗,雖然他沒指名道姓


: The opposition Kuomintang party and several politicians at the local county: level have sought to capitalise on the vaccine difficulties, leading to
: political slanging matches. But Lev Nachman, a visiting scholar at the
: National Taiwan University, said it still seemed “in the DPP’s electoral
: interest not to get any China vaccines”.
: 國民黨跟所屬地方縣長則尋求向外購置(capitalize)各種疫苗,使台灣政治更為混亂
: (slanging matches),可是Lev Nachman,一個台大的訪問學者,他說”民進黨根本不想要任: 何跟中國有關疫苗”

正確翻譯 -
capitalize 在這邊不是購置好嗎....

學者的說法是 - 似乎不從中國取得疫苗,是比較符合民進黨的選舉利益的

: “It would be foolish to say no, but it would be a measure of last resort,”
: Nachman said.
: “或許他們會很愚蠢的說NO,可是這將是最後可用手段”. Nachman說



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AlHorford15 06/14 23:55幫推

polestar0505 06/14 23:55

u831208 06/14 23:56再推

andel121 06/14 23:59照內文看來,台灣的疫情還沒到需要購買

andel121 06/14 23:59BNT疫苗的關頭是吧?

qama 06/15 00:24「中國有投資的國外疫苗」呢? XD

sylke 06/15 00:25推!

nevikw39 06/15 01:24so few 這個也能翻錯