[情報] Mine 我的上流世界 Ost part 2 "Mine"

看板KoreaDrama標題[情報] Mine 我的上流世界 Ost part 2 "Mine"作者
(Welcome To Avalon)
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:5

第二首OST 上線了 (spotify)
by ID:Earth


歌詞 (全英文)

Looking for Mine
All the Things are gone
Time to know myself
When I opened my eyes
All fear will be gone
My life will begin
I still wonder if I can hold this
I want to decide
Oh Cover my wound
Nothing more to hide
I want to decide
I wonder if my choice is right
I don't know if I can hold myself
Can you stay with me
But I’ve got to do what I want
Looking for mine
Hush Nobody knows
Nothing to desire
The more we get
The more we want to have in myself
You say you understand me
And you accept everything
But I don't believe it
After time
You would say that for me
I don't want to imagine
If my choice is right
I don't know if I can hold myself
Can you stay with me
But I want to do what I want
I wonder if my way is right
I don’t know If I can hold myself
Can you still stand by me
But I’ve got to do what I want





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※ 編輯: leione ( 臺灣), 05/30/2021 17:20:50 ※ 編輯: leione ( 臺灣), 05/30/2021 17:23:28

nhfish05/30 17:32好奇怪這齣的OST為何封面放的是家教......

leione05/30 17:42第一首OST 封面是金老師

leione05/30 17:43

leione05/30 17:43OST part 2 旋律跟歌詞都很喜歡,除了封面

※ 編輯: leione ( 臺灣), 05/30/2021 17:44:33

joyzoro05/30 18:07好好聽 我愛金老師!

leione05/30 19:43歌詞覺得在說瑞賢跟秀智。

leione05/31 06:45itunes現在可以買這首歌了。

zengda05/31 08:09謝謝,等這首好久了!(也才一星期)