[情報] 4/22(三)DailyHoroscope
In a court of law, a person is not supposed to be convicted if there is reasonable doubt that he or she may not have committed a crime. It's a good philosophy to employ in life in general, and it could be described as giving someone the benefit of the doubt.
If you have had cause for concern over someone's honesty or loyalty, Leo, then it is fair to look further - but don't convict them in your mind before you do. You may be surprised to find a simple misunderstanding. Wouldn't that be a relief?
※ PTT 留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/21你可能在暗示你想要或需要從某人那裡得到些什麼。也許他們理解,也許不。但如果你絕 對清楚自己在幹嘛,就不會有任何疑問,阿牛。你可能會覺得自己要求的東西很尷尬,但 話又說回來,如果你不直接一點,很可能得不到自己想要的東西。你需要決定直截了當是 否能獲得更多好處;而這很可能是有的。一旦你確定了,就去做吧。 ——4
[情報] 11/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 15 2020 It is easy to be critical when you disagree with someone's opinions. If a person expresses a point of view that is very different from yours, you might begin to see them in a certain way, which will cause you to feel harsh towards this person or turn away from them. But you can change someone's mind4
[情報] 6/3 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 3 2021 A "doubt" is a small thing, right? It's just an annoying thought that something might not be as right as it seems. And to your practical way of thinking, Capricorn, a doubt might even be quite useful because it can alert you to something that might be wrong or out of place. But doubt is also a3
[情報] 0325 DailyHoroscopeSomeone who offered you much-needed help or support in the past may be offerin g it to you again, dear Capricorn. On the surface, that may seem wonderful and the answer to a need. However, you may have been let down by that person and very disappointed. So, if you choose to give them the benefit of the doubt thi s time, just be sure that you have a back-up plan. If they do come through for3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/05今天試著練習容忍吧,如果你的圈子裡有人試著讓你暴走的話。阿牛,你要記住,我們都 曾有故意或用其他方法激怒他人的時候。試著先相信他吧,直到你看到那個人激怒你的理 由不只是因為他今天過得不好而已。保持耐心和善意吧,即使你可能會感到委屈,這對你 們雙方都有好處。這件事也會過去,當它結束後,你會慶幸自己沒有跟他計較。 ———2
[情報] 0525 DailyHoroscopeYou may feel that you have been shortchanged in some way, Capricorn, yet you m ay be faced with governing what is fair to someone who has not treated you fai rly. This kind of situation could give anyone good cause for responding in the same way. Be the better person today. Do what you know is right because anyth ing else would be beneath you. It is also possible that you will discover that1
[情報] 31/10/2021 Daily Horoscope誠實和忠誠是良好關係的兩個非常重要的要素。 知道你可以信任某人,並且知道他們不會背叛你,這是友誼和愛情關係的基石。 如果我們不了解與關係親近的某人一些事情,總會有一種懷疑、恐懼甚至懷疑的感覺。 但其中一些來自對那個人的信仰,這取決於我們每個人。如果有人沒有給你不信任的理由 ,那就信任他們。就這麼簡單,月之子。1
[情報] 03/02 the daily horoscopeIn the crime dramas on television, a suspect is often secluded in a small room under bright lights. There's a feeling of anxiety and claustrophobia. This se tting puts lots of stress on the accused, and the idea is to get them to feel pressured enough to confess or disclose the information that the investigators are looking for. But there have been instances in real life where someone con- Someone in your life may be trying to convince you to trust them in some impor tant matter. You are not a distrustful person, generally speaking, Gemini, but this individual may have let you down in the past. Therefore, trust does not come easily. Even so, you may want to give them the benefit of the doubt this time, and hope they come through for you. Is that wise? Well, you can go out o
- Trusting someone right now who happens to be in a position of authority might take a huge leap of faith and a lot of benefit of the doubt. Even so, someone else may be urging you to trust someone that you just don't trust. You have yo ur reasons, Gemini, and they are good reasons. And besides that, you can proba bly feel it in your bones that any trust would be misplaced. Even though you w