[情報] 8/15(六)DailyHoroscope
Something old may appear to be new again - to you, at least. This could be an idea, an opportunity, or even a relationship. You may think you are only deluding yourself, especially if this did not work out in the past.
But you need to look at this as a new beginning and a gift from the cosmos meant especially for you. Yes, this is a fresh start and something that you should certainly take very seriously because it could open a new pathway toward happiness and fulfillment. Don't be skeptical.
聽起來是好事 要把握機會 謝謝
好久不見 謝謝尼提大
※ 編輯: enetorac ( 日本), 08/17/2020 18:59:19哈哈 好好休息才有能量再往前走啊: )
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/30你可能很快就會收到一波”好運”。但由於你是如此的腳踏實地與實際,阿牛,你可能會 開始思考如何解釋發生的事。但不要質疑它,不要假設有合理的解釋,這會否定掉註定存 在的事物。你沒有理由要去解釋或證明它。只要享受現在發生在你身上的好事並且心存感 激。 ——13
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/14如果你在今天接收到一切都會好轉的訊號,請將它放在心上。你可能正在尋找這樣的答案 ,阿牛,但你也對它真正發生的方式抱持懷疑。如此一來,你就會成為自己最大的敵人。 如果你正在尋找的希望在今天出現,不要抱持著懷疑的態度,不要想試著解釋它而否定它 。接受它在當下看起來的樣子,然後緊緊抓住這種感覺。這是個來自宇宙的禮物,證實它 的話會對你有好處的。6
[情報] 3/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 31 2021 The greatest gifts are not always prettily wrapped up with silky paper and exquisite ribbons, Capricorn. Sometimes they are simply there for you as the answer to a need or a deep desire. If you overlook such a gift, or you refuse to accept it because you don't feel worthy of it, it is a waste of the3
[情報] 20/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeSomething undeniably and powerfully positive is happening for you now, Moonchild. It may be impossible to explain how something so extraordinary could occur, and you may be wondering about the mystery of it all. But sometimes it is better not to question the benevolent things that flourish in your life. It would be wise to just accept that this is a gift for you2
[情報] 03/03 the daily horoscopeIf you don't remember and learn from the past, Gemini, you may be destined to repeat your mistakes. However, dwelling too much in the past and ruminating on past mistakes isn't good for you either. If you have become so caught up in a n old mistake and a fear of failing at something again, it could hold you back from an upcoming opportunity. Don't dwell on past failure, Gemini. Nurture an2
[情報] 0607 DailyHoroscopeYou would probably agree that it isn't kind or courteous to refuse a gift that someone offers to you, especially when you know that it is given authenticall y and there are no strings attached. Well, Capricorn, the universe is trying t o give you a gift now in the form of an opportunity. Are you going to accept i t? Or are you going to declare it a poor fit - perhaps believing it too good t2
[情報] 08/12 the daily horoscopeSome people struggle to figure out why they are not happy. Maybe there is some element of their life that is dragging them down, such as a relationship or a job that does not fulfill them. For others, they might be sabotaging their ow n efforts to be happy. And sometimes, it's really simple - they don't feel the y deserve to be happy, but they don't realize happiness comesfrom within. And2
[情報] 02/21 Daily HoroscopeYou may get a second wind today concerning an old ambition. You may not have e ven thought about this idea for a long time, Leo, but it may suddenly flow thr ough your mind as though it's new and exciting - and in a way, it is. New thou ghts you have about that idea may take it to a higher level, and if you start working on it again with your new insights, you can get it going in the direct1
[情報] 09/11/2021 Daily Horoscope月之子,你可能會對曾經對你來說意味著全世界的東西失去了動力。 但是你的那個世界還在那裡-那個夢想是不會消失。 你需要做的是重振希望、野心,並相信你可以擁有自己想要的所有東西。 這對你的個人成就至關重要。這是讓你過上你應得的生活所必需的。 你不要放棄或者不考慮它。- It is natural to experience doubts about something you believe in. Even if you start out in a new venture feeling inspired and certain that good things are meant to be, dear Gemini, damaging, doubtful thoughts can creep in and disarm your motivation. But the key to success in a current endeavor is distinguishin g between doubts that are grounded in logic and the doubts that are grounded i