[情報] 9/3(四)DailyHoroscope
A man may be a brother, father, or uncle. A woman may be a mother, sister, or aunt. We are friends, mentors, and more. We are different things to different people. But these many threads of who we are, create a vibrant fabric that represents us in the world and in our social circle.
Keep in mind, though, that you cannot be everything to everybody. Don't take on more today than you can, Leo. You are very generous, but you have to know your limits. You are a source of strength to many, so don't sap it by trying to do more today than you should.
[情報] Mark Zuckerberg FOUNDER'S LETTER, 20211. 標題:Mark Zuckerberg: FOUNDER'S LETTER, 2021 2. 來源:Facebook(Meta) CEO's Facebook 3. 網址: 4. 內文: FOUNDER'S LETTER, 20215
[情報] 03/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 07 2022 一個你不完全了解的人正佔據你的內心, (你可能會說他們獨樹一幟) 有一個問題跟這個人有關, 即你是否能夠相信他們的一些才能能在工作上與你合作。4
[情報] 10/20 Daily HoroscopeThe way things are going in our own lives often translates to the way we treat other people. If you are having a bad day, you might take it out on the people you deal with during that day. If you are having a great day, the same applies. Although it isn't good to allow our moods to dictate the way we treat others - or the way we treat ourselves - it takes recognition of this3
[情報] 18/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeMany people don't have enough insight to see their own faults or weaknesses. They glide along through life blissfully ignorant of what they might improve. But you are highly introspective, Moonchild. You not only know your faults and weaknesses - you probably have them cataloged in your mind! While self-awareness is a strength because it means you can improve2
[情報] 0505 DailyHoroscopeYou may be hesitating to say yes to a new opportunity, Capricorn, and you may even be determined to say no. But if this looks really good to you, why would you not leap at the chance? Could it be that you took on an opportunity like t his once before, and it didn't turn out so well? If so, you may be replaying t hat experience in your mind. But that was then, and this is now. Today you are2
[情報] 0715 DailyHoroscopeYou are smart and savvy, Capricorn. It is safe to say that you will accomplish anything you take on, and you will do an excellent job of it too. You are rel iable, honorable, and you are an example of integrity. But despite all that yo u have to offer, you are not always the best promoter of yourself. Perhaps you don't understand the need for or the power of self-promotion. Or maybe you ju2
[情報] 01/09 Daily HoroscopeThrough trial and error, Leo, you have come to know what you don't want, yet y ou still don't know for sure what you do want. But guess what? That first part - knowing what you don't want - is extremely important in the process of figu ring things out. It means that you have tried and discarded certain options, a nd that you are getting closer to knowing what will be best for you. Be patien2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/01阿牛,你可能會覺得現在全世界都在跟你作對,即使只是你生活圈裡的人不同意或不支持 你而已。畢竟那就是你的世界。如果你在一件別人都不同意或不支持你的事感到很有把握 時,這一切都是根據你多相信自己。如果別人正在動搖你的信心時,或許他們有著很好的 理由。今天花些時間來評估這點吧。 ———1
[情報] 10/07/2021Daily HoroscopeYou are often the one that others come to when they are sad,frightened, hopele ss or angry. They know that you will offer love, kindness, care, and support. They know that you might have some very good advice, and perhaps your strong i ntuition will kick in, and you will be able to offer incredibly insightful gui dance. But so often, Moonchild, it is you doing something for others, and when- No one is brave all of the time, but generally speaking, Leo, you are consider ed to be a very brave individual. That may be why so many of your loved ones, and sometimes even people you don't know very well, will gravitate to you in t imes of trouble. Your strength and courage make others feel more safe and secu re in your presence. But who do you turn to when you feel the need for that ki