[情報] 12/18(五)DailyHoroscope
Put yourself first today, Leo. Go to the head of the line. Bask in the sun, and indulge your own needs. There may be many demands on your time and attention, but you are in need of some self-pampering and the time to do something just for yourself.
Yes, that's an order! This is an essential thing for you right now. You have depleted yourself through your generosity of spirit, and now it's your turn. Try to consider this a necessity. That's exactly what it is.
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[情報] 01/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 27 2022 你最近可能花了很多時間和精力在糾正別人的錯誤, 這可能來自於你錯誤的信念, 即別人的錯誤或過錯要由你負責, 但其實不是。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/21親愛的阿牛,今天為自己奉獻吧。這是對的,為了要鼓勵你將自己放在第一要務上。由於 各種原因,你可能把每個人放在自己前面,而這讓你疲憊不堪,即便你不認為是這件事讓 你感到疲憊或沮喪。我們都需要自己的時間來放縱自己的需求和慾望,而你現在正在一個 時間點,在這個時間裡,做你想做與需要去做事。今天找到一種方法讓自己快樂和滿足吧 。5
[情報] 08/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 19 2022 某人的體貼或甚至他們的慷慨, 即使曾經受人歡迎或討人喜歡, 現在都可能開始讓人感到窒息與粘膩。 你會開始疑惑為什麼他們那麼聚焦在你身上,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/18即便你沒有很多錢,但仍然能夠慷慨解囊。你可以大方的給予時間與注意力,也能夠給予 讚美和善意,還能夠因為一個人而不惜一切代價。所有的這些與其他許多的事都屬於慷慨 的範疇。如果你覺得你沒有足夠的東西給予你所想的那人,那你就錯了。也許你認為他們 擁有他們需要的一切,但你可能會感到驚訝。要有創造力,阿牛,你能夠找出他們所需的 東西,並且給予。3
[情報] 01/02 Daily HoroscopeYou do so much for others, often at the expense of doing good things for yours elf. If someone you care about needs you, Leo, you are there. Make your own wa nts and needs your top priority today. Nurture yourself. Take care of yourself . Enjoy some of your favorite indulgences. If someone calls on you because the y need something, see if you can put it off for a little while. You really nee2
[情報] 02/18 Daily HoroscopeWe all have said one time or another: "It is what it is." That phrase may seem like giving up, but really it can be a great way of coping with a tough situa tion. You aren't giving up. You're just acknowledging that you have done what you can. You may have done everything within your power to make something happ en, and at this point, it is out of your control. In other words, Leo, it is w1
[情報] 08/22 DailyHoroscopeThe help or guidance you have provided to someone has been hungrily devoured, but not gratefully acknowledged. At some point, Capricorn, the beneficiary of your kindness and generosity may have seemed so overwhelmed that you could und erstand a lack of demonstrative gratitude. But by now, you probably expected y ou would receive a kind word of thanks. If someone doesn't seem to be apprecia1
[情報] 01/30 Daily HoroscopeYoh may have been going back and forth in your mind about making a big decisio n, Leo. You are usually far more decisive than this. But you have added up all of the facts and compared the pros and the cons, and still, you aren't sure. That's maddening for you. In a position like this, when the next move you make will be such an important one, it's essential that you feel comfortable with- This is a good day for self-indulgence for you, Leo. You are so very hard on y ourself, and you almost always put others in your life before yourself. You ha ve done way too much of that lately, always feeling that you somehow owe more and need to do more than anyone else. But whatever small fantasy you have been thinking about - indulging in it now will be really great for your spirit, wh
- None of us can fix every mistake we ever made. There just isn't enough time an d, even if there were, it would be a foolish pursuit. But you may have such a strong desire to be perfect for someone in your life that you are backtracking and trying to make up for one big thing from the past that you regret. But yo u are loved the way you are, Leo - or at least that's how it should be. Love y