[外電] Vlad Guerrero Jr. Shifts To First Base

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Vlad Guerrero Jr. Shifts To First Base

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By TC Zencka | July 10, 2020 at 1:59pm CDT

We knew this moment would come. We just didn’t know it would happen this
soon. Vladimir Guerrero Jr. will make first base his primary position moving
forward, per Ben Nicholson-Smith of Sportsnet (via Twitter).

After one full season at third base, the 21-year-old power phenom will focus
his attentions on becoming a primary first baseman and designated hitter.
Vlad committed 17 errors in 94 starts at the hot corner in 2019. The advancedmetrics didn’t care much for his effort either (-9 DRS, -9.4 UZR). Statcast’
s Outs Above Average pegged Vlad last in the league (tied with the Twins’
Jorge Polanco) with -16 OAA.

Offensively, there’s little doubt that Vlad Jr. has one of the most
prodigious power strokes in the game, even at such a young age, and this moveallows him to focus on what he does best. Vlad Jr. stroked 15 home runs over
514 plate appearances while slashing .272/.339/.433 as a 20-year-old. The
move across the diamond was an eventuality, and in some ways, it makes sense
to make the move as soon as possible rather than spend development time at a
position without a long-term future. It’s certainly possible Guerrero Jr.
ends up as a primary designated hitter, but he’ll try his hand at first in

With Vlad Jr. shifting over to first, Travis Shaw expects to get most of the
playing time at third, per Nicholson-Smith. Lourdes Gurriel Jr. hasn’t
played any third, but the infielder/outfielder could presumably pick it up,
while second baseman Cavan Biggio played a little bit at the hot corner in
Triple-A. Breyvic Valera is also capable of handling third.

Shaw, signed as a free agent, is coming off a bizarrely disappointing showingin 2019 as he hit just .157/.281/.270 across 270 plate appearances with the
Brewers. That allowed the Blue Jays to snag him on the cheap, as they’ll
hope he rebounds to something closer to his career line of .243/.327/.451.

4. 新聞連結:

5. 備註:

(1) 我們都知道這終將到來,沒想到來的這麼突然。Vlad Guerrero Jr.將移防至一壘。

(2) 去年第一個完整的球季鎮守三壘,年僅21歲的他未來將擔任一壘手與指定打擊。去年在三壘共94場先發,共發生17次失誤,進階數據為-9 DRS、-9.4 UZR,出局製造值(OAA)更是跟雙城隊Jorge Polanco並列全聯盟最差的-16 OAA。

(3) 因應Vlad Guerrero Jr.移防至一壘,預計Travis Shaw將移防至三壘;內外野手
Lourdes Gurriel Jr.沒有鎮守過三壘,但未來預計將接任三壘手;二壘手Cavan Biggio在3A曾短期鎮守過三壘;內野工具人Breyvic Valera也可擔任三壘手的工作。

(4) Travis Shaw去年在釀酒人隊繳出令人失望的成績,270個打席中僅繳出.157/.281

(5) 藍鳥隊各野手位置人選如下:
A. C:Danny Jansen、Reese McGuire、Caleb Joseph。
B. 1B:Vladimir Guerrero Jr.。
C. 2B:Cavan Biggio、Joe Panik。
D. 3B:Travis Shaw。
E. SS:Bo Bichette。
F. UT:Brandon Drury (INJ)、Ruben Tejada、Santiago Espinal。
G. RF:Randal Grichuk。
H. CF:Teoscar Hernandez。
I. LF:Lourdes Gurriel Jr.。
J. OF:Billy McKinney、Derek Fisher、Jonathan Davis (INJ)、Anthony Alford。
K. DH:Rowdy Tellez。

(6) Vlad Guerrero Jr.去年在藍鳥隊的成績表現(今年21歲;今年原計薪水:$579.3K):


123 126 15 69 91 46 .272 .339 .433 .772 106 .936 -14.6

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※ 編輯: saiulbb ( 臺灣), 07/11/2020 10:20:55

charlie0107/11 10:2021歲只能站一壘的聯盟救世主 嗯

CPBLlincecum07/11 10:29........去年不是還說有信心給他站三壘

EEERRIICC07/11 10:35沒關係,50轟就沒關係

bxxl07/11 10:41沒想到來得這麼快.

fp73707/11 10:42打出普神成績就沒問題

MindWork07/11 10:45肥胖5884一壘手 這是小王子的節奏 OK的

WINKAO07/11 10:48才一年就放棄也太早了

sustainer12307/11 10:51不再試一下?

jack5008707/11 11:07三壘->一壘->DH

PaulAllen207/11 11:18Keith Hernandez和Eddie Murray也是21歲開始守一壘

Asucks07/11 11:22沒關係,以後就把技能全點在power和contact

Qidu07/11 11:24靠爸過譽仔

PaulAllen207/11 11:28Eddie Murray還是史上唯一在一壘守超過20000局的球員

raysbuck07/11 11:47?????

raysbuck07/11 11:47現在不練以後就沒機會囉...

Darvish556607/11 12:08小王子2.0

ylrafale07/11 12:14如果真的能讓火力獲得解放,也不一定是壞事?

sikerkuaitai07/11 12:14老實說他去年的成績跟聲望有很大落差

edhuang07/11 12:19打擊成績先上來就ok

allen323007/11 12:44為了讓位給Austin Martin?

Roshiel07/11 12:47是太胖了嗎?

Adam661307/11 12:58Gallo: 可以學我喔 我就怕球

birdy59007/11 13:03這樣的話生涯就很難再跟老爸比了

birdy59007/11 13:04他老爸不只強肩 年輕的時候還會盜壘

leegogo07/11 13:29還那麼年輕

ChrisDavis07/11 13:31起碼Gallo靠著超人體格在外野

alex2426chen07/11 13:51他的身材可能不用幾年就可以跟熊貓比了

l5i9hbba07/11 14:18前幾天看到照片 他應該要減個體脂吧?

robinkidd07/11 14:51美國陳傑憲

uranusjr07/11 15:30Keith Hernanderz 是左投不能一起比

borriss07/11 16:11 還真的沒幾個大咖這年紀能守1B的(咦

pukokimo07/11 17:49小時候就是個胖胖

borriss07/11 17:55 年輕又壯站一壘的代表 Frank Thomas都要滿22歲才上MLB(X

monkboy07/11 18:20守3壘不只失誤問題、去年還因為太拼受傷過、改一壘是很好

monkboy07/11 18:20的選擇

a215670007/11 18:27一胖擊沉

percy9072307/11 18:38不是啊 如果一壘能讓他打擊完全長到天花板 那有什麼

percy9072307/11 18:38問題==

wu0h96p07/11 18:58邁向胖卡步之路

whhw07/11 19:32...

tigertiger07/11 19:42看來還沒仲裁體重就會失控了

whhw07/11 20:00熊貓二世?

Roshiel07/11 20:07究竟會是 胖卡布 還是 胖熊貓 呢?

mygoing07/11 20:15一直以為他跟他爸一樣是OF

aszx451007/11 20:58這麼快就站一壘喔...

charlie0107/11 22:10不是Miguel Cabrera剛出道幾年是很瘦的......

Roshiel07/11 22:17主要是擔心他的體重吧..憑他打擊天分站一壘其實還好

tyrone092307/12 00:46胖卡布好歹在RF跟3B站了幾年

lyk19194707/12 00:48胖卡布三壘也守了好幾年而且年輕時超瘦,這隻完全不能

lyk19194707/12 00:48比啊

LoveWin707/12 01:17Miguel Cabrera剛上大聯盟其實也有當外野手

LoveWin707/12 01:18這感覺很像Jim Thome一樣,一開始3B,後來守1B

HuanYuWu07/12 01:38去年後來有打出來,只是長久之計還是不能太胖吧

Barack0bama07/12 01:5121歲就蹲1B…XD

bluedragon07/12 02:08該擔心如果站一壘,成績還是很普的話……

alex2426chen07/12 02:13胖卡當年3B 後轉LF 來老虎後固定1B

LucasDuda07/12 06:50Cabrera站其他位置的時候守的那麼爛,這樣比較高尚就

LucasDuda07/12 06:51對了?轉一壘而已講的好像被截肢一樣,要不要看看自己

LucasDuda07/12 06:51到底在講什麼啊lol

MindWork07/12 08:43小小葛以前也是瘦的啦 好像很多人不知道? 還5工具咧

MindWork07/12 08:45是為了增加長打增重 但不是很完美的脂肪也增加了很多

JustinIdiot07/12 09:06瞎說 他從來就不是5 tools球員…不要看這種文章 去

JustinIdiot07/12 09:06翻翻官網或BA國際新秀排名 他從進來的時候評價就很一

JustinIdiot07/12 09:06致了

JustinIdiot07/12 09:08在低階的時候能盜壘 第一 可以說他盜壘時機抓得好 另

JustinIdiot07/12 09:08外 低階的守備很爛

MindWork07/12 09:25那文章也有依據BA和官網啊? 說作者瞎說? 我還覺得你瞎了

JustinIdiot07/12 09:40你開心就好^ ^

MindWork07/12 09:48我一直很開心啊 你要推翻別人說法還是拿出資料來吧

c257891007/12 09:48被打臉就說開心就好XD

MindWork07/12 09:48當然也不排除該作者不是瞎說 只是造搖而已

JustinIdiot07/12 10:05因為被打臉的不是我啊XDD

TaiwanNeko07/12 10:10這打擊成績以1B來說太弱了

fountainNess07/12 11:35

fountainNess07/12 11:35

fountainNess07/12 11:36第一張國際新秀時期,第二張菜鳥聯盟時期

fountainNess07/12 11:38奉勸各位不要想拿運動視界來嗆人:D

alankira07/12 11:56之前看籃球文就覺得那作者很會瞎說

JohnLackey07/12 12:26才剛出道...稍微減重吧

LedZeppelin07/12 12:59BA也沒寫過他是5 tools 剛簽那年就說未來應該是1B/DH

abc1281207/12 13:37什麼年代了還在講5 tools...還不都看最重要的打擊

abc1281207/12 13:37打擊好一定給你生位置刷數據啦 當然防守也有一定的重要

abc1281207/12 13:38剩下的 臂力 腳程 講難聽點 who cares

cenwandino07/12 15:19講五拍子的大概是記到大V葛XD

birdy59007/12 17:20重點不是 5 tools, 而是這種健康狀態會直接影響生涯

birdy59007/12 17:21對照組如果是他老爸壓力真的很大啊

borriss07/12 19:16 那兩張重點是+30磅還是POWER-10 (

duo13107/12 22:16Travis Shaw本來就三壘應該還好

polanco07/12 22:55run35的五工具球員XD

stja07/13 09:51

ACEP:轉錄至看板 Blue_Jays

07/17 07:12