徵才 美國匹茲堡大學眼科 徵博士後

看板AfterPhD標題徵才 美國匹茲堡大學眼科 徵博士後作者
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Postdoctoral researcher

University of Pittsburgh

1400 Locust St Suite 5000, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA
UPMC Mercy Pavilion

A position of Postdoctoral researcher will be available in a stem cell and
neuroregeneration laboratory. The laboratory mainly focuses on retinal
ganglion cell (RGC) differentiation in vivo and in stem cells and axon
regeneration in the optic nerve injury model. Our research interest is to
understand the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction regulating RGC
development and apply the finding to gene and stem cell replacement therapies.

1. Self-motivated individuals who are committed to biomedical research;
2. Hold a PhD and/or MD degree in the field;
3. Publish at least one first-author research paper from PhD training;
4. Experienced in lab techniques in molecular biology (western blotting,
PCR, qRT-PCR, in situ hybridization), cell biology (cell culture) and animal
(mouse) experience.

$50,000~56,000 USD/year plus fringe benefit

The lab will support the trainee in attending national conferences once a year.

University of Pittsburgh的medical research 全美排名14. From US News.

Interested individuals, please forward a cover letter (with a description of
your research background and career plan), CV, and a list of three referencesto:

Kun-Che Chang, PhD 張昆哲 博士
Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Ophthalmology
E-mail: [email protected]
Lab website:


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※ 編輯: ggaarryy ( 美國), 03/30/2023 01:44:38

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