[情報] 美英對校園成員性關係的兩則報導

看板AfterPhD標題[情報] 美英對校園成員性關係的兩則報導作者
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1. 美國大學
Penn professor had sexual relationship with his student in apparent violationof U. policy
By VIBHA KANNAN and MANLU LIU 04/11/18 9:36pm

The former Undergraduate Chair of the Psychology Department Robert Kurzban
had a sexual relationship with an undergraduate female student while he was
her instructor, according to three sources close to the student. Kurzban’s
alleged behavior directly violates University policy, which has stated since
1995 that sexual relations between teachers and students are prohibited
"during the period of the teacher-student relationship."

This policy was recently updated to ban all sexual relations between faculty
and undergraduate students regardless of time or context.


“Consensual sexual relations between faculty and student can adversely
affect the academic enterprise, distorting judgments, or appearing to do so
to others, and providing incentives or disincentives for student-faculty
contact that are inappropriate,” states the current policy which is laid out
in the Faculty Handbook.



2. 英國與威爾斯的大學

Lecturer-student sex banned at six English and Welsh universities

Authors of new book on sexual harassment in higher education call for blanketban on intimate relationships between teaching staff and students.


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danhung11/21 03:18是的 弊校就是禁止並且包括非直屬利益關係