[情報] 阿拉斯加航空正式宣布星宇航空新夥伴

看板Aviation標題[情報] 阿拉斯加航空正式宣布星宇航空新夥伴作者
(just a soubriquet)
時間推噓 3 推:4 噓:1 →:7


Alaska Airlines launches partnership with STARLUX Airlines
Today, Alaska Airlines joined forces with STARLUX Airlines, a Taipei-based
premium carrier, to connect guests from Los Angeles to 16 amazing
destinations across Southeast Asia and Japan.

STARLUX Airlines

Experience the height of inflight luxury with our partner, STARLUX Airlines—
connecting the United States to fascinating and picturesque Asian
destinations like Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines. Earn and redeem
Mileage Plan™ miles while you travel in style with luxurious cabins,
inflight meals designed by Michelin-star chefs, and even custom playlists to
set the mood for a delightful journey.

Learn more about the benefits of flying with our airline partners. STARLUX
Airlines benefits include:


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※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 04/26/2023 21:41:18

MIKEmike0704/26 21:46肯放位子再說吧xD

harryckh04/26 23:35可以買聯乘票了嗎?

Daniel10404/27 00:55會加入OW嗎

HenryLin12304/27 07:16可以飛SJC轉AS?

iqeqicq04/27 10:37可以繞阿拉斯加飛往歐洲嗎?

iqeqicq04/27 10:37現在中國和俄羅斯封閉領空,往返歐亞只能繞阿拉斯加

sinohara04/27 10:39鬍鬚張航空

iqeqicq04/27 12:25只有日韓才能繞阿拉斯加;台灣不行,太遠,不如繞曼谷

cruise04/27 14:24請星宇飛到SEA這個Alaska的大本營來轉機到美國各地謝謝

nyrnu04/27 14:33年底舊金山,明年中西雅圖就開航了,要接阿拉斯加航空就更方

nyrnu04/27 14:33便了

cityport04/28 01:17單走道transcon可是很爽的呢,頂風時更爽