[情報] JAL 追加17架MAX8訂單

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Japan Airlines to Introduce 17 Additional Boeing 737-8 Aircraft

- Supporting Growth with the Introduction of Approximately 90 New Aircraft -

Tokyo, JAPAN – Japan Airlines (JAL) has announced the decision to introduce 17additional Boeing 737-8 aircraft from The Boeing Company (Boeing). This followsJAL’s March 2023 announcement of an order for 21 Boeing 737-8 aircraft (*1), which will replace the single-aisle Boeing 737-800 aircraft currently serving mainly on domestic routes.

In addition to the Boeing 737-8 aircraft added to the domestic fleet, 11 AirbusA321neo aircraft will be introduced to replace the Boeing 767 aircraft, primarily on routes to and from Haneda. Renewing the fleet in line with supply and demand will further enhance profitability.
(*1) Press Release March 23, 2023: Japan Airlines Selects 737-8 to Grow Sustainable World-Class Fleet

In the international market, JAL plans to introduce 10 Boeing 787-9 aircraft (*2) and 20 Airbus A350-900 aircraft (*3), with ZIPAIR also introducing Boeing 787-9 aircraft by reassigning aircraft from JAL. By fiscal year 2030, the scale of the international business is expected to expand by approximately 1.5 times compared to fiscal year 2023, including growth in both full-service carriers and LCCs. The business will particularly expand by increasing the number of flights, especially on North American and Asian routes, which are expected to see significant growth in the future, and by increasing the number of seats offered through larger aircraft, thus improving service quality and convenience.

(*2) Press Release July 23, 2024: Japan Airlines Signs Purchase Agreement for Additional Boeing 787-9 Aircraft
(*3) Press Release July 23, 2024: Japan Airlines Signs Purchase Agreement for Airbus A350-900 and A321neo Aircraft
(*4) Press Release March 19, 2025:
ZIPAIR to Double its Fleet Size by Adding the Boeing 787-9 Aircraft

Including the newly introduced Boeing 737-8 aircraft, the JAL Group will have atotal of approximately 90 aircraft in its fleet and is preparing for the introduction of new aircraft with a flexible fleet plan. This plan aims to ensure growth by placing aircraft orders early in anticipation of growth beyond 2030.

By accelerating the introduction of state-of-the-art aircraft, JAL strives to significantly enhance the quality of service provided to customers. Additionally,by upgrading to more fuel-efficient aircraft, the company is committed to further reducing CO2 emissions, thereby contributing to a more sustainable future.

【Breakdown of Confirmed Aircraft Order】

737MAX8 /37/2026起 國內線
A321neo/11/2028起 國內線
787-9/10/2028起 國際線
A350-900/3/陸續交貨 國內線
A350-900/20/2027 國際線
A350-1000/5/陸續交貨 國際線
另有A350 25架選擇權 787 20架選擇權

個人猜測A35K羽田飛歐美 A359成田飛歐美 不包含夏威夷


看來日航有些789準備交付給ZIPAIR 了


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TsukimiyaAyu03/19 18:45會不會有人喊拒搭日航

chewie03/19 18:47感謝分享 不過最後兩句看不太懂...ANA不是有樂桃跟AirJapa

chewie03/19 18:47n 了?

因為日本春秋航空、捷星日本航空幾乎都沒有拓展新航線 反倒是ZIPAIR 好像要增班了 感覺日航對另外兩家LCC屬於半放生狀態

abian74603/19 18:57日航低成本御三家 ZIPAIR 春秋日本 捷星日本

js5266603/19 18:59罔顧乘客安全 抗議

emu120003/19 19:19未來將不會有國際線用窄體機嗎?

ken21803/19 19:36我坐過 A320 飛蒙特婁到倫敦的,超痛苦。另外,美西飛美

ken21803/19 19:36東其實也將近國際線了,有夠遠!

civic8th03/19 19:51會用來飛台北嗎?

georgewu03/19 20:0073M應該就國內為主吧除非增班

georgewu03/19 20:01*38M

Retangle03/19 20:10這東西砍不掉就算了還追加喔

感覺是川普在施壓 再來死對頭增購的機種都是窄體機 日本的航空業就是這樣 你要買A321 那我也買A321 你要買737 那我也買737跟你拚 你要買A350 那我用更大的77X 再者死對頭直接嗆要把日航幹掉 日航不積極一點怎麼行

※ 編輯: abian746 ( 臺灣), 03/19/2025 20:27:49

TheoEpstein03/19 20:27737就國內線

※ 編輯: abian746 ( 臺灣), 03/19/2025 20:32:09

wedffcss002003/19 20:40日航789反魚骨很好坐耶 這麼快就要給旗下廉航了喔

日航還有787 20架選擇權 10架訂單是給日航的 動用選擇權給ZIPAIR

※ 編輯: abian746 ( 臺灣), 03/19/2025 21:00:49

senju03/19 21:32春秋日本有新開成田飛京滬兩航線

cpylislv03/19 21:47日本春秋除了飛中國外國內線只有札幌+広島

cpylislv03/19 21:47還1天各1班而已

as98113403/19 21:53737改這麼多次了,疫情後也沒什麼大事了,320要等到天

as98113403/19 21:53荒地老

as98113403/19 21:53追買737也不算什麼很怪的策略吧

liaoeddie03/19 22:07日航亞洲航線也會拿737飛啊

liaoeddie03/19 22:07NGO-TPE

tmpss9018703/19 22:26zip不是三不五時就有人在說不做了嗎?

donkilu03/20 03:55終究是要買max的

JHENGKUNLIN03/20 07:35我自己2015搭JL804/805都是738耶

JHENGKUNLIN03/20 07:41

abian74603/20 08:44這是官方公布的資料,應該是以國內線為主,國際線為輔

williechen03/20 10:26長榮堅持321的結果 就是你看追加的那幾架已經排隊排

williechen03/20 10:26到2032了XDD

wilcg03/20 10:50罔顧乘客安全 拒搭日航,拒搭737(X

dunkylu03/20 11:15日航國際線738椅距超爽的

takuma03/20 12:01日航的738椅距很不錯 又有電視

williechen03/20 14:10怎麼平平是737 華航跟日航可以差那麼多…

pippen200203/20 15:48...好!我先pass

lee51201103/20 18:35哭啊以後不敢搭了

acomp03/20 20:28冬天美東飛美西比美東飛倫敦還久

demeno03/20 20:29不搭國內線就好了吧,對台灣主要影響大概是HND-CTS?

hacker070803/20 22:46

Retangle03/20 23:15HND-CTS不是超奢侈用A359嗎

lions40203/21 09:04國內線版本的有啥好奢侈

NXT061403/21 21:30在那邊說罔顧安全太好笑了吧 知道現在有多少max在飛嗎

Jsyc24100803/21 21:44說罔顧飛安的不是在反諷看到波音就緊張的人嗎