Re: [情報]川普政府宣佈美歐將全面斷航30天(除英國外

看板Aviation標題Re: [情報]川普政府宣佈美歐將全面斷航30天(除英國外作者
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※ 引述《nyrnu (鼠年行大運)》之銘言:
: 川普政府宣佈美歐將全面斷航30天(除英國外)
: President Trump addressed the nation tonight to tell us about “our nation’s: unprecedented response to the coronavirus outbreak.” During this, President: Trump has announced that the US will be banning travel from Europe for 30
: days:
: This new restriction will apply starting at midnight on Friday, March 13,
: 2020 (yay Friday the 13th!)
: The UK is excluded
: This is being done to “keep new cases from entering our shores”
: These restrictions won’t apply to “Americans who have undergone appropriate: screenings,” though we don’t yet know what that will look like
: The restrictions will be “adjusted subject to conditions on the ground”
: As Trump explains it, this is being done because the US took “early and
: intense action” to stop the spread of coronavirus, which has caused
: dramatically fewer cases than are now present in Europe. Because the European: Union failed to take the same precautions to restrict travel from China and: other “hotspots,” Trump is introducing this policy.
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: 這可能是百年以來, 美歐之間首次斷航(空/海), 二戰期間好像也沒斷.
: #
: # suspending all travel from Europe for the next 30 days
: # 本周五 2020/3/13 星期五 midnight (果然是黑色星期五)
: # 美國人若有 appropriate screening 可例外入境
: # 英國不在這次 travel ban
: #我狂川普
: #英國或成最大贏家
: #美國-英國之間票價或逆勢上漲
: #NBA也停了
: #湯姆漢克也中鏢(Coronavirus)了


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vhygdih03/12 14:38如果英國太貴應該是阿聯酋吧, 除非國籍航空要來個大特價

vhygdih03/12 14:38搶客, 不然誰會繞一圈, 可是真的這個時候宣傳台轉, 以台

vhygdih03/12 14:38灣政府傳統做事情方式加上充滿人情味的民情肯定被罵到收

vhygdih03/12 14:38

papapalapa03/12 14:42歐洲人可能比較會想從英國或加拿大轉 這樣應該比較近

ppdev03/12 14:45禁令是14天內到過歐盟申根區不能入境,怎麼轉也沒用...

Rinehot03/12 14:52跑來台灣蹲14天對我們有比較好嗎...

howdeep03/12 15:10...別鬧了

cchris03/12 15:48和中國一樣,不斷航,只是禁止入境而已;美中航線到現在都有

cchris03/12 15:48美國公民或綠卡還是可以搭飛機,所以只會減班而不斷航

lwei78103/12 16:02病毒風險 @@

miname03/12 16:47不入境轉機可以啊

miname03/12 16:49飛台灣防疫旅館14天之後往美國?

Rinehot03/12 17:16那他飛英國住14天不就好了

abyssa103/12 18:54這樣台灣歐洲線不就滿滿的病毒...

abyssa103/12 18:55他們應該會去英國飛吧

vimer03/13 16:22歐洲到台灣轉機去美國…這樣要繞2/3個地球很辛苦耶