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yaujack 06/18 08:29通常這裡沒有的話就沒有了

corey11 06/18 23:07Please search Indy Badminton Club! Hery is very

corey11 06/18 23:07nice guy as the club manager! There are also few

corey11 06/18 23:07Taiwaneses in the club as well

corey11 06/18 23:10The club is in Washington Park Neighborhood

corey11 06/18 23:10But the court is very safe because it is right

corey11 06/18 23:11next to the police headquater. lol

amber12345 06/20 04:24Thank you corey11 ! But I checked the location o

amber12345 06/20 04:24f Washington Park Family Center, a little too fa

amber12345 06/20 04:24r from my apartment… About 40 mins by car… Tha

amber12345 06/20 04:24nks for your help anyway !