Re: [情報] Noah Song被費城人DFA
According to a source, the Red Sox have reacquired Noah Song after he clearedwaivers. The team is still determining what level in the farm system he’ll be sent to.
Noah Song通過讓渡程序,確定回到紅襪體系,目前紅襪還在考慮要把他放在小聯盟哪個層級
Song今年在小聯盟速球極速約96mph 均速約92mph
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※ 編輯: otaku32286 ( 臺灣), 08/05/2023 03:44:04
[問題] Noah Song是不是又回海軍當兵了啊?2019年被紅襪選進的帥哥強投 在後來12強比賽把中華隊K很慘 不過後來就沒什麼他的消息了 今年小聯盟也完全沒出賽紀錄16
[閒聊] Noah Song最快今年5月出關12強美國隊火球男、美國朱育賢Noah Song 雖然川普放寬職業軍人打球的條件 但因為Song已經comissioned不適用 去年6月被美國海軍飛行學校召回21
[討論] 有人還記得12強美國隊Noah Song嗎明年就要打WBC了 最近在水管回味以前的國際賽影片 突然看到才想起19年12強的時候 美國隊有個投手Noah Song15
[情報] Noah Song 明天向費城春訓營報到Matt Gelb Last note on Noah Song for today: The Phillies have clarified to say Song was not discharged. He was transferred from active duty to selective reserves and11
Re: [討論] 有人還記得12強美國隊Noah Song嗎最新動態 規則五選秀被費城人選了 離開紅襪 Phillies -- RHP Noah Song, from BOS 而且是Major League phase 明年五月滿26歲 目前貌似還在部隊服役6
[分享] 朴孝俊完成讓渡 加入勇士隊3ABraves' Hoy Park: Outrighted to Triple-A Park cleared waivers and was outrighted to Triple-A Gwinnett on Thursday. Park has twice been traded this offseason after being designated for assignment, but this time he passed through waivers and will remain in the Braves organization. The 26-year-old will represent utility depth in the5
Re: [情報] Noah Song 明天向費城春訓營報到Noah Song has been shut down due to tightness in his back, per the Phillies. He had an MRI and will be re evaluated next week. Unlikely he’ll be ready to start the season. Noah Song由於背部緊繃而停機,已經照了MRI,下週會重新評估狀況,不過不太可能趕上開3
Re: [新聞] 軍中請假來測試 前兄弟潘韋辰簽育成約也→ strikeman: 我還是覺得真想打球就不要走軍人這條路,美國之前那個 06/13 22:15 → strikeman: 具有軍人身分的韓裔投手,投的超強的,但現在還有他的 06/13 22:16 → strikeman: 消息嗎... 06/13 22:16 這邊應該是指紅襪新秀Noah Song 12強時對台灣有登板 投出159km
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[分享] 阪神以1年30萬美金簽洋砲Ramon Hernandez6
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