[分享] 姜正浩:天使蠻適合你的 金:但他們一直輸欸

看板Baseball標題[分享] 姜正浩:天使蠻適合你的 金:但他們一直輸欸作者
時間推噓推:118 噓:7 →:58



(On Kim's future FA eligiblity)

Kim : Being able to play day to day...

Kang : Straight to the point, which team do you want to play for?


Kim : I want to stay with the Padres. To be honest, I feel so good after playing home games here. Like pure happiness.


Kang : Like today was Monday, but there were so many fans at Petco.


Kim : I can tell the Padres fans like me a lot, and they go out of their way tocheer me on. I don't know if I'll get this kind of acceptance at any other team. The San Diego weather is great too. But the Padres is a tough team to play for, in the perspective of a player. You're always competing for a spot with somebody, because the team is constantly signing superstar players. I think that's thedownside of teams that are serious about winning it all.






Kang : I was thinking the Angels might be a good fit for you.


Choi : Yeah the Angels are a pretty good team to play for.


Kim : I guess, like I would think day-to-day life would be pretty nice. But theteam..


Kang : San Diego and Anaheim, same thing right?

Kim : Nah but like the Angels as a team lose a lot. But the Padres is a team that is always trying to get that WS win. It's a lot of fun playing for that kind of team. That's the reason I rate the Rays pretty high, because the Rays are like the Kiwoom Heroes of the MLB.




(On the pressures of playing in the MLB)

Camera : Is there any pressure coming from the fact that you're in a way, representing Korea in the MLB?

Kim : I'd be lying if I said there weren't any. Brother Kang first opened up the possibility of Korean infielders to join the MLB by being posted in 2015.

After then a ton of Korean players went to the MLB, but no one did as well as Kang did. Brother Choi is different because he brought himself up to the MLB through the Minor League system.


I was only able to come over to the MLB, and on such a good contract, because Kang pioneered the way for us Korean infielders.


What I fear now, is that I might become that standard for all the Korean players that come to the MLB in the future. Especially during my first year, my biggest fear was "What if the MLB stops bringing in infielders from the KBO as importsbecause my performance is bad?"






Kang : I agree with you 100%. Since I was the first Korean player to be posted when I signed with the Pirates, there would be no future instances of KBO players being posted to the MLB the moment I started to underperform. That actually bugged me a lot when I played in the MLB.


Choi : For me it was the exact opposite. I never played in the KBO, so there were no eyes on me when I started playing baseball in the US. Like some people actually thought I was Korean-American. I was always here, like when Choo (Shin-sooChoo, former Indians/Reds/Rangers) and Lee (Dae-ho Lee, former Mariners) were playing in the MLB, I was also playing in the MLB. But all the attention from Korea went to them, and I went unnoticed. The media and Korean fandom slowly started to give me attention when I had a decent career with the Rays






Choi : Like some KBO scouters will still call me at times asking about certain players. When I would get those calls, I'd visit our AAA roster and tell them what I thought about the player in question.


Kang : Man, I used to play for the Kiwoom Heroes, I don't know why the Heroes don't call me asking about this kinda stuff. What do you think Kim?


Kim : I mean I'll get some of those calls too, but to be honest I don't know any of that stuff. I got sent up to play in the big leagues pretty quick, so I'm not qualified, per se, to say anything about anybody.

Kang : But like you have that hunch as a baseball player right, you get to see certain guys play a full game. Scouters only see clips of these guys.

Kim : Uhh, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this. Like when I got a call asking about O'Grady (Brian O'Grady) from Son Hyuk, (head of the Hanhwa Eagles) I told him exactly what I knew about him. I told him he works out hard, has good power, and has good defense. Like when O'Grady was with the Padres, I would always think to myself that Brian would become a great player if given the opportunity.

阿金則有被韓華問過Brian O'Grady

Kang : So TLDR, you were the reason behind Hanhwa's O'Grady fiasco. (O'Grady did not do so well in Korea, he went down in KBO history as the 3rd import to go homer-less, and is regarded by Hanhwa fans as the worst import hitter in the org's history)

酒駕姜:所以韓華今年簽Brian O'Grady是因為你喔?


Kim : I.. I'm sorry. But like all I did was tell Hanhwa exactly what I saw. I kinda feel sorry for it though. There's a GIF of him in Korea too, of a female fan cussing him out after he struck out at bat.


Kang : When I was analyzing O'Grady's clips...

Kim : But like, to be honest, it's not my fault!



(On Kim's diet and routine)

Kim : My parents are with me here at SD, so they cook for me quite often. My parents and I are both wary on me losing body weight.


和Tommy Pham的小故事

(Stories about Tommy Pham)

Kim : I'll tell y'all a story because this is YT. Pham took really good care ofme, and we were actually on very good terms. But one day, I think it was against Houston, I don't think I played that game either. During the 1st inning, Pham texted me out of nowhere "Hey Kim let's go clubbing after"



然後在第一局時他卻突然收到Tommy Pham的簡訊


Choi : The dude really loves to go clubbing.


Kim : Since I knew I wasn't playing, I was like why not. I even left my translator and went alone. When I arrived hough, I was literally the only Asian personthere. I was kinda sussed out, but then I heard some shots being fired. I was thinking to myself "Oh s**t" because I thought it was gunfire. Turns out the sounds were from the firecrackers that go off when someone orders drinks. It was my first year in the US and I was so scared because I didn't know anything back then.









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Jaguarsu08/04 13:05阿金很會臭www

LukeSkywaker08/04 13:05大王表示:

gn0194854008/04 13:05我懷疑你在臭,而且有證據

catsondbs08/04 13:05

hdotistyle08/04 13:05

edhuang08/04 13:06BUT

cool3408/04 13:06崔胖場面話吧

windmai08/04 13:06看到O'Grady那段讓我笑了

max01106008/04 13:06反觀.. 門已關上

Texsogood08/04 13:07韓華:幹

catsondbs08/04 13:07O'Grady那段笑死

ken72033108/04 13:07

huangjyuan08/04 13:08阿金你們也是啊…

hexokinase08/04 13:08ops.336 不是我的錯吧XD

shigurew08/04 13:09適合天使是簽大盤約還能一直上場毫無壓力的部分嗎?

jason151508/04 13:09天使爛歸爛 目前勉強還有五成 教士勝率還沒五成呢

WasJohnWall08/04 13:09韓職光芒英雄隊

discoveryray08/04 13:09小玉:

tsaodin022008/04 13:09大谷:阿金臭爽沒? 不然跟我換阿

new248808/04 13:09王如果有這種感覺會不會讓他更努力

losel08/04 13:09很害怕會不會因為我打那麼爛,就讓大聯盟以後不再簽韓職

bmwnyy87091508/04 13:10教士至少有闖到NLCS

jason151508/04 13:10要不是阿金不認識大王 我還以為是在臭大王呢

tsaodin022008/04 13:10第二段酒駕姜跟阿金 再看看台灣的 呵呵

losel08/04 13:10曉諭:

louis072408/04 13:10小玉:

louis8282808/04 13:10但是你教士好像更爛輸更多欸

Kenter02708/04 13:10問選手 球探真好當==

dinosaurjr08/04 13:10問一下阿金就簽洋將 笑死

chyng120208/04 13:11阿金有夠誠實 給推

WasJohnWall08/04 13:11小玉很努力吧 只是能力不夠

A00610lol08/04 13:11原來他父母也一起去美國了

Jaguarsu08/04 13:12可是教士去年有進國聯冠軍,天使連續7年還8年勝率不到5

Jaguarsu08/04 13:12

giantkuma08/04 13:12反觀日職的門也被關上

sky154208/04 13:12大王訪問好像從來沒擔心過會讓日職關上大門

fuyu111208/04 13:12大王公認練球認真 就是實力不到而已

cool3408/04 13:12教士去年不錯啦 外卡戰PK掉大都會 又過了宇宙躲這關

ccris08/04 13:12看原文,金是說天使一直在輸,但教士總是為了冠軍而努力

cool3408/04 13:12大王:教練不用我有什麼辦法?

louis072408/04 13:13這種頂級殿堂最不值得說嘴的就是努力了阿 就沒有不努

louis072408/04 13:13力的人

metalj08/04 13:13大王改練終結者,死神關門

huangjyuan08/04 13:13打擊率.336不錯啊 什麼 是OPS!

cool3408/04 13:13金也沒特別討厭天使或大谷吧 就講他今年實際的感覺而已

sixsix66608/04 13:14XDDDD

ghostl4080908/04 13:14是在臭逆

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 08/04/2023 13:15:23

alpacaHong08/04 13:15*那時

jason05011708/04 13:16史上最強外援終結者:王柏融

polanco08/04 13:16中職連一個一樣宰制的打者都沒有 迷迷整天幻想關門

flame103008/04 13:16阿金還是要保持努力不能鬆懈 明年也打好才有好的選擇

BusterPosey08/04 13:16原來金也是媽寶

william8073008/04 13:16阿金在那兩人中間看起來也太小隻

TRosenthal08/04 13:17Pham也是亞洲人吧

AnnHeeYung7708/04 13:17教士再怎麼樣去年都打到NLCS 天使就…

O10lOl01O08/04 13:18反觀大王徹底關上了臺將旅日的大門

ganlinlowsu08/04 13:18日本那一個前二軍八割男不知道能否也有這種想法

nolimitpqq08/04 13:18教士今年戰績長這樣還有資格講喔

Alexander1308/04 13:19阿金認證的爛隊

WasJohnWall08/04 13:19小玉一直是天份問題不是態度啊

yankees73308/04 13:20至少阿金在教士有打過季後賽 大谷在天使打過季後賽了

yankees73308/04 13:20

willywasd08/04 13:21教士去年連斬百勝球隊 夠資格講了

frog082408/04 13:22我懂,在天使,輸球是一種文化:)

qazxc31208/04 13:23還有王粉認為中職球員是自己爛,不是被大王關起門的

Clarist08/04 13:23天使沒有大谷的話戰績也一定比現在的教士差

mike1311208/04 13:23教士可以期待來年,天使沒有

jarrodqq89608/04 13:23天使:對啦 我最爛行了嗎

ghost06908/04 13:237777

god7831408/04 13:24教士戰績如何?笑死

fg008kimo08/04 13:24但他們一直在輸球XDDD

oceanman070408/04 13:25教士已經看到外卡車尾燈 快回五成了

spicy72208/04 13:26只是輕鬆聊天 不用這麼認真吧….

kano252508/04 13:26原來阿金也是媽寶^U^

hdotistyle08/04 13:26教士還有未來 天使的話…

rayterzll08/04 13:26大谷21-22年幾乎沒卡到天使薪資戰績都還這麼爛 該轉隊

rayterzll08/04 13:26了啦 一直被人家笑

yankees73308/04 13:26教士今年延長賽沒贏一場 不然戰績應該有外卡 投打戰力

yankees73308/04 13:26都排在前面

marlonlai08/04 13:27就觀感問題 偶而球隊慘一年還可以說沒調整好或運氣差

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 08/04/2023 13:27:36

marlonlai08/04 13:27很多年都這樣就讓人覺得印象深刻了

pounil08/04 13:28王:沒再怕的

shigurew08/04 13:29天使如果沒有大谷現在勝率一定比教士低超多啊,可以講吧

rayterzll08/04 13:30天使現在還有軟豆合約 明年簽大谷 基本上無法補強 然

rayterzll08/04 13:30後農場又梭哈 未來堪慮 天使現在就一路南下到季後 大

rayterzll08/04 13:30谷刷他的數據 明年直接轉隊

cityman999908/04 13:30看到沒!美國下班後都去夜店啦

rickcoo08/04 13:30天使:欸 沒欠你喔

flame103008/04 13:31是說阿金之後可能也快要把好朋友Profar推銷給韓職了QQ

shigurew08/04 13:31天使這兩年當賣家,重建可能要5年,當買家至少要10年吧

shigurew08/04 13:32拼一個15%機率進季後,然後賠掉5年時間,很天使很可以

rayterzll08/04 13:33天使要重建? 我怎沒聽過 這幾年來 就爛在那 反正簽好

rayterzll08/04 13:33球員也是爛 全部上3A頂多再差一些

hsgreent08/04 13:33阿金上場打擊都有應援call球迷love滿場喊感覺好好

marlonlai08/04 13:33天使也不是不花錢 只是不知道是眼光還運氣問題 簽來的

marlonlai08/04 13:34不是傷病就是表現不如預期

shigurew08/04 13:35養成也很爛啊 只能靠球員自立自強像Neto 歐哈皮

Cliffx08/04 13:37王柏融你看看你

rayterzll08/04 13:37天使前幾年都花大錢買野手 有其他洞也沒認真在補

s31021308/04 13:39河成葛格,韓國棒球沒有你怎麼辦

isaa08/04 13:39原來選手也有責任感怕弄臭評價

Cliffx08/04 13:39中職旅日的大門已經被關閉

befly1001508/04 13:40

e8177919e08/04 13:41台灣旅外野手的門………

sweetantt08/04 13:43不要臭

polanco08/04 13:45中職連下個能旅外的野手都看不到 怪王柏融本來就是笑話

Marshalkobe208/04 13:47沒講錯啊天是爛隊 教士大爛隊

MikeChao08/04 13:52中職洋投把旅韓的門打開了 韓職怎還不來挖中職打者阿

damingli9008/04 13:52阿金偷臭我們大王喔,到時候去洋基 看你敢不敢繼續臭

SundayRose08/04 13:54目前fangraphs季後賽率 天使跌到8.4%、教士還有45.7%

xxovv08/04 13:55教士今年更丟臉吧 那種陣容打那鳥樣

sesd08/04 13:56 THE 臭

yt01000408/04 13:57天使戰績比教士好 季後賽機率卻更低 是因為美聯太多擺爛

yt01000408/04 13:57球隊 尤其是跟天使同區的運動家 但即便如此

Isinging08/04 13:57看到標題想說教士也沒好到哪去就是 今年那陣容...

prettypaty08/04 13:57原來阿金也是媽寶^U^

yt01000408/04 13:57天使跟運動家同區 天使的戰績還可以在美聯倒數

yt01000408/04 13:58由此可知 天使 爛的有多離譜...這樣的天使還要繼續綁架

yt01000408/04 13:58名人堂球星

erodora08/04 13:59但教士去年打到NLCS 跟天使比還是比較好吧

Nakazone08/04 14:02阿金好誠實的感覺XD

Kyameron08/04 14:02不要臭大王

JIYUI08/04 14:03記得今年打同區球隊 場數沒以往多耶 還想刷運動家勒

yt01000408/04 14:04同區的優勢沒以前大 但仍然有 跟完全擺爛的運動家同區

yt01000408/04 14:04同時還有兩位Super Star 還能在美聯倒數 偉哉天使

sesd08/04 14:04重點是人家去都有那個覺悟代表原本聯盟 而小玉都說狀況很好

sesd08/04 14:05這算心態的差別吧

lookers08/04 14:05至少排名是一起排 天使今年不管對左投 對>0.5 跨聯盟比賽

lookers08/04 14:05幾乎都只贏運動家皇家

A33308/04 14:05先打出接近王的成績再來說關上門吧,話說之前蠻常看到酸小玉

A33308/04 14:05態度不好的,最近倒是看風向不對都躲起來了?

aikensh08/04 14:06想到小玉 悲從中來

Hsu102508/04 14:06好了啦關門迷 叫會長0.58拿回來就又開門了

yt01000408/04 14:07長遠未來而言 只有天使爛的徹底 大谷死心離開去道奇

yt01000408/04 14:08對大谷奪冠 及 個人數據 才會有更亮眼的累積數字

lookers08/04 14:08現在只想到不要那麼累

ccf042308/04 14:09大王之前頂多就陳文賓曾經去日職不過他在一軍只有4打席

god7831408/04 14:09聽你在那鬼扯 要嘴天使拿其他隊 教士沒那資格

ccf042308/04 14:11天使從10年代起FA常常買到雷貨,不然00年代天使還蠻強季後

ccf042308/04 14:11賽常客

johnny13208/04 14:14不到5成勝率的球隊有資格臭嗎? 笑死

yt01000408/04 14:14不巧 賽程安排剛好是交易大限結束後 天使才開始地獄連戰

yt01000408/04 14:15如果7.8月 顛倒安排賽程的話 或許有可能前面爛一波

yt01000408/04 14:15天使看開後 果斷進行交易 重建才能有未來

AnnHeeYung7708/04 14:16天使迷在氣啥 這幾年的戰績教士就是比天使好啊XD

lookers08/04 14:16所以是不會解讀賽程表的問題 還是看到水手的賽程表

GyroZeppeli08/04 14:16教士有資格說天使嗎...

sx64222001208/04 14:17說實話這影片蠻好笑的XD

jeff101308/04 14:18教士有啥沒資格 金待的這幾年總的來說難道沒有比天使好

jeff101308/04 14:18

alleryred08/04 14:19哪裡沒資格?

alleryred08/04 14:19教士去年打到國聯冠軍賽

alleryred08/04 14:19天上打去哪裡?

CWeichieh0808/04 14:19這幾年有進過季後賽就有資格了吧笑死

jeff101308/04 14:21而且FG今天打完預測教士還是有45.6%機率卡進季後賽欸XD

jeff101308/04 14:21 天使只剩8.1%了

marlonlai08/04 14:21連這季擺爛的運動家,近10年進季後賽次數都比天使多啊

citpo08/04 14:26推 分享

hank092108/04 14:26推翻譯

han1003007908/04 14:29台製起爆劑嘻嘻

KarlMarx08/04 14:32至少教士去年打到國聯冠軍賽,天使?

baseball586008/04 14:32沒衝突啊,兩個都一直輸球,啊一個是舒適圈,另一個

baseball586008/04 14:32要跳過去當然要有誘因啊,有點邏輯吧

Sechslee08/04 14:33韓華:幹

GSCurry08/04 14:38NPB大門深鎖...

LatteCat556608/04 14:42大王的態度比酒駕姜好多了

leonjapan08/04 14:45大王?

AhCheng08/04 15:03

rfvtgb85208/04 15:13教士球迷真的超愛金的,現場的吶喊聲還比大咖們還大

ReinerBraun08/04 15:21阿金是誰 好好說話很難?

DukeMonkey08/04 15:24小玉:看我幹嘛 我沒關中職野手的門

sfw019908/04 15:31有夠臭

chiki42808/04 15:41484在臭我們家大王

gyarados08/04 15:48好喔 一次臭一堆

brg1708/04 16:46韓華:乾

nihow7808/04 16:51教士更鳥蛋

PNXkbara08/04 16:58好像臭到小玉欸

marty797608/04 17:53說啥呢,教士比天使還菜ㄟ

Ofnir08/04 18:42教士這幾年都比天使強,目前季後賽機率其實還比天使高

sausalito08/04 18:58大王都不會擔心吧

jhb052008/04 20:38教士成績比天使還鳥是?

jax5608/04 20:39這對話蠻有趣的

jesuisbigC08/05 02:08阿金為洋砲道歉很好笑