[情報] 海盜隊司機酒駕被抓

看板Baseball標題[情報] 海盜隊司機酒駕被抓作者
時間推噓57 推:61 噓:4 →:14

Bus driver transporting Pittsburgh Pirates charged with DUI

A bus driver hired to transport the Pittsburgh Pirates from Chicago to Milwaukee was stopped during the journey and charged with DUI.

The trip began in Chicago on Thursday night after the Pirates' 7-2 loss to the Cubs before an Illinois State Police escort noticed erratic driving and put a stop to the ride.

The driver, 61-year-old Ronald E. Funderburke of Shelby, North Carolina, displayed multiple signs of impairment, according to police, and was arrested after a trooper initially requested an ambulance out of concern for a medical emergency.Funderburke was not affiliated with the team. He was contracted by the club.

Pirates senior vice president of communications Brian Warecki confirmed the incident to media outlets on Friday, saying in part, "We are deeply concerned regarding what transpired last night. The important thing is that all of our personnel arrived in Milwaukee safely ... we are now in communication with the appropriate parties regarding this matter."




司機名字為Ronald E. Funderburke,今年61歲



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WeGoStyle06/18 11:31只是司機,沒事沒事

huangjyuan06/18 11:32太危險了吧……

Sky7777777706/18 11:329+0:

tom8011406/18 11:32差點整隊海盜船

polanco06/18 11:32不是 其實很危險吧 開車前沒酒測?

ghostl4080906/18 11:32海盜喝酒很合理(?)

CornyDragon06/18 11:32司機更恐怖 整隊人都在上面欸

amen12306/18 11:33臺灣法官覺得可以原諒

pinky84111806/18 11:33不是這很危險欸!如果出事整車的球員怎麼辦

AdagakiAki06/18 11:339+0:

sixsix66606/18 11:34母湯喔…….

kirimaru7306/18 11:35形象問題很小,其他問題很大

NTJL06/18 11:35海盜喝酒開船很合理(?

BLACKLIONS06/18 11:36難怪最近戰績也是搖搖晃晃

fireforce06/18 11:36海盜船搖習慣了

ericinttu06/18 11:37不是八 整車出事會更慘好嘛

vgil06/18 11:39哇靠 載整車的酒駕

bdgnrd010306/18 11:39自己死就算了 別害人

LSLLtu06/18 11:39這比球員酒駕還嚴重欸

zxas57073006/18 11:40硬派寫實 喝酒出航

MKAngelheart06/18 11:41開車的酒駕 等等整隊被掃光……..

WasJohnWall06/18 11:41太扯了吧

edhuang06/18 11:42別鬧了司機大哥

seishin06/18 11:42超母湯

Axy806/18 11:42太誇張了吧

suck952706/18 11:43這種整隊在車上的還敢喝酒…..螺絲鬆了

GyroZeppeli06/18 11:43真的很惡劣 要是出事 他負的起責?

GyroZeppeli06/18 11:43就連底薪球員的年薪這輩子他都賠不起了

ePaper06/18 11:44司機如果酒駕車禍讓一堆球員受傷就超大條事件了

dk97135506/18 11:45海盜開船喝酒

Richie110506/18 11:46台灣日常

ericinttu06/18 11:46只要有一個大聯盟身價的因此去躺IL 夠請好一點的司機了

EMANON23106/18 11:46太可怕了吧

Lawser193406/18 11:48大哥 你載的任何一個人出了什麼差錯都不是你賠得起的

Lawser193406/18 11:48欸….

flowerabby0106/18 11:49海盜酒後駕船邏輯沒問題

genesys57006/18 11:50開到不穩...應該有醉到一定程度?

ericinttu06/18 11:51 車上應該會有一位管理階層的人 怎麼沒發覺司機有異??

sesd06/18 11:51 笑死 整隊那麼多球員的命 也敢酒駕

terry104306/18 11:51沒事,來南台灣球隊

yellowdoll06/18 11:54統一獅隊楊家維:...

hsiehhsing06/18 11:54喝酒bad 喝酒又開車 7414

TBdrays06/18 11:54這司機很可怕啊

yellowdoll06/18 11:54統一獅隊郭-0:...

sixer06/18 11:55扯 出事他一輩子都賠不起 球員年薪超高

kenkenken3106/18 11:55好危險,開多人大車要為了他人更自重啊

s4862506/18 11:56一個人幹翻整隻球隊(物理

wryyyyyyyy06/18 11:57海盜蘭姆喝起來

kaga199106/18 11:57整車的梅花(? 喔是大聯盟球員

ericinttu06/18 12:00 星星

storyf6601406/18 12:01差點整隊收掉…

AAaaron06/18 12:03小聯盟嗎?

TBdrays06/18 12:03話說MLB目前好像還沒發生過慕尼黑空難或者沙佩科恩斯那

TBdrays06/18 12:03種幾乎全隊團滅的事件,不曉得要是真的遇到了會怎麼處理

chris320202106/18 12:05一不注意影響整隊安全耶

lookers06/18 12:07美國人的酒駕跟台灣定義不是不太一樣嗎 之前球場賣啤酒那

mike23504706/18 12:07差點去見深海閻王

LoseElk06/18 12:08還好警察有攔 連車都開不穩誰知道會不會出事

ivery226606/18 12:11酒駕給我下去

CowBaoGan06/18 12:12MLB整隊身價出事他幾輩子都賠不完的

anomic2406/18 12:14干台灣法官屁事,8樓硬要扯

mschien829506/18 12:16酒駕仔最好重判

oliverchamps06/18 12:17是開去酒鬼報到膩

RedBottleona06/18 12:18不愧是海盜,喝的是蘭姆酒嗎

Hans1406/18 12:25蘭姆酒

mim556606/18 12:49差點整隊跟著買單

hsuanYue06/18 12:51嚇死人no

pilor06/18 12:57開海盜船會晃合理

noknow80101106/18 13:03

CannonLake06/18 13:06NBA 有團滅條款 MLB 應該也有吧 這載整車黃金出事爆炸

svel06/18 13:08整車都沒人發現嗎????

cityman999906/18 13:10海盜不喝酒難道喝果汁喔

leo806404706/18 13:44乾杯,啟航!

Yjizz06/18 14:03台灣: 酒駕~沒4兒沒4兒 繳個罰金出來繼續喝

witcherysky06/18 14:13太扯囉

stpmouse06/18 14:27載著一年身價總共好幾千萬美金的球員這樣搞…可怕

AhCheng06/18 15:11你戴的是球員呢

Puye06/18 16:06載這麼多人還敢喝阿

duck32906/18 21:33晃成這樣車上的人都沒感覺嗎?會不會是載裝備的司機?