[情報] 紐約洋基小聯盟將接待不丹棒球隊參訪
Bhutan's baseball boom is continuing
After going viral last summer, Bhutan baseball players began receiving equipment donations from around the world. Now, a Yankees affiliate team is hosting Bhutan athletes for a Bhutan Night in August
The Hudson Valley Renegades have partnered with the Bhutan Baseball & Softball Association to host Bhutan Night on Aug. 20. Athletes from Bhutan will be given a VIP experience, as well as a sightseeing and cultural enrichment journeythroughout New York
(via Matthew R. DeSantis / @matthewrdesantis)
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※ 編輯: sam92084 ( 臺灣), 02/07/2024 19:48:33
會哦 支支全壘打
[分享] 不丹:大佛前打棒球大聯盟官網出了一篇不丹棒壘協會會長採訪文 The world's most remote country, Bhutan, is experiencing a baseball boom What started as a handful of kids playing on a concrete slab has grown to more t han 6,000 children who are becoming dedicated baseball fans19
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[情報] Wander Franco將在明日對洋基爭霸戰復出在週三3A比賽5支3,包含二壘安打與跑2分後,Franco已準備好回大聯盟。這位明星遊擊手 將在週五晚上,在紐約對上洋基。光芒隊總裁Erik Neander在週四說的。 After going 3-for-5 with a double and two runs scored while playing nine innings at shortstop for Triple-A Durham on Wednesday night, Franco is ready to return6
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