[分享] 福岡軟銀鷹曾對Nelson Cruz有興趣
Nelson Cruz looks better after offseason eye surgery, and the Padres appear
smart to have given a big-league deal to the 42-year-old. Cruz, who may want
to play a couple more years, drew interest from the Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks
but he couldn’t entertain it since he was also GM of the Dominican team. …
Nelson Cruz休賽季有去治療眼睛
但是他還是經典賽多明尼加隊的總管 所以就拒絕軟銀了
根據之前OSUNA的例子 軟銀今年想奪回優勝 除了古巴人之外的洋將
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※ AisinGioro:轉錄至看板 MLB04/15 21:42
他是總管 不是總教練
※ 編輯: AisinGioro ( 臺灣), 04/15/2023 21:46:16推
軟銀乾脆 波希羅叫他不要退休 復出好了 然後
費城當年 二三遊 全部挖來 大聯盟守備 Franco 賀南德
茲 基分斯
[情報] Juan Soto:準備好替多明尼加出戰WBCJuan Soto說他已經準備好 明年加入多明尼加國家隊 出戰明年世界棒球經典賽54
[情報] Nelson Cruz 接任WBC多明尼加GMMLB star Nelson Cruz to serve as Dominican Republic National Team GM 多明尼加棒協宣佈將由國民隊老將Nelson Cruz 擔任WBC多明尼加GM一職29
[分享] 多明尼加隊總管 上場敲出安打The GM of the Dominican Republic gets a hit : WBC on FS1 影片: --- 守外野影片:27
[情報] 梅子Starling Marte將出戰WBC多明尼加隊Mets OF Starling Marte committed to play for DR in the 2023 World Baseball Class ic. Marte met with Nelson Cruz, GM of the Dominican team and confirmed that he w ill play, per @TenchyRodNYC. 大都會外野手Starling Marte25
[情報] Nelson Cruz要轉戰國聯惹Nelson Cruz, the most coveted DH in free agency, is finalizing details for his n ew deal with a National League team, per @TenchyRodNYC. 41歲的Nelson Cruz和某支國聯隊伍敲定合約了 將前往國聯打DH啦23
[情報] 18位多明尼加隊球員不被母隊允許參加經典賽Nelson Cruz, general manager of the Dominican Republic's national team in the 20 23 WBC, said that of the preliminary roster of 50 players, 18 of them have objec tions from their MLB teams to participate in the 2023 World Baseball Classic, pe r @CDN37.18
[情報] Nelson Cruz去教士Veteran slugger Nelson Cruz and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on a one-y ear, $1 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Cruz, 42, is entering his 19th seas on and should get ample DH at-bats. He'll also serve as GM of the Dominican Repu blic team in the World Baseball Classic.17
[分享] 多明尼加總統接見 Nelson Cruz 討論WBC多明尼加總統 Luis Abinader 接見2023 WBC GM Nelson Cruz 討論世界棒球經典賽相關議題 Nelson Cruz 表示他和總統也談了國家隊、球員及球迷的情況 --7
[情報] 教士簽下CruzVeteran slugger Nelson Cruz and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on a one-year, $1 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Cruz, 42, is entering his 19th season and should get ample DH at-bats. He'll also serve as GM of the Dominican Republic team in the World Baseball Classic.3
[情報] 光芒三壘教練將接任WBC多明尼加教頭Rodney Linares introduced as the manager for the Dominican Republic for the Worl d Baseball Classic, alongside GM Nelson Cruz. #Rays 3B coach Rodney Linares (center) at press conference being introduced as m
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