[分享] 大聯盟主席談先發投手局數限制與延遲付款
Major League Baseball does not want to put in any minimum innings requirement for every game's starting pitcher, Rob Manfred told an interviewer for Questions for Cancer Research.
Rob Manfred告訴記者大聯盟不想為先發投手設下任何單場的最低局數要求
#1clgNMjB (Baseball)
The commissioner weighs in: “Deferrals at some point can become problematic... Obviously the bigger the numbers get, the bigger the concern.”
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[情報] Mike Trout表態會續戰2026經典賽The World Baseball Classic is “100%” coming back for 2026, MLB commissioner Ro b Manfred said. 大聯盟主席表示下一屆2026經典賽一定會繼續辦39
[情報] 大聯盟主席:今年營收接近快110億美金繼大聯盟營收官受訪時說到今年營收會創歷史新高後 今天大聯盟主席也被問了一樣的問題 Major League Baseball’s gross revenue was back to pre-pandemic levels this seas on, Commissioner Rob Manfred told reporters after Monday night’s Game 3 of the28
[情報] NCAI回應Rob Manfred勇士隊名、戰歌爭議昨天大聯盟主席Rob Manfred有對勇士隊名、戰歌爭議做出解釋 勇士隊名、戰歌爭議 Manfred:當地原住民支持 美國職業運動與美洲原住民有關的隊名受到許多檢討,近年多支球隊紛紛改名,但亞特蘭大 勇士仍維持這個名稱,球迷也持續唱著帶有砍劈動作的戰歌。對此大聯盟主席Rob Manfred23
[情報] MLB預期會舉辦更多種非傳統球場比賽MLB預期會舉辦更多種非傳統球場比賽 MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred says to expect more nontraditional types of venues for MLB games, like what occurred this past summer with Field of Dreams. He mentioned "going to locales where they don't ordinarily play Major League Bas18
[情報] 明年大聯盟春訓將測試好球帶挑戰系統Major League Baseball will experiment with the strike zone challenge system at t he game's highest level next year during spring training. Commissioner Rob Manfr ed confirmed the news on Monday during a media appearance. Reports from over the summer indicated MLB was considering a trial run of the same challenge system t15
[情報] MLB即將在明年春訓舉行頂級新秀表演賽Major League Baseball announced the creation of “Spring Breakout,” a four-day series of exhibition games in which an organization’s top prospects will participate in Spring Training contests against the best minor league talents of other teams. Next year’s event will take place between March 14 and 17.11
[外電] Manfred:本季很難打滿162場比賽MLB commissioner Rob Manfred isn't optimistic about 162-game season On the eve of what would have been Major League Baseball's opening day, commissioner Rob Manfred indicated that the league is "probably not gonna be able to" play a full, 162-game regular season.1X
[情報] Manfred沒信心今年比賽能開打Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred told ESPN on Monday he's "not confident" there will be a 2020 baseball season and that "as long as there's no dialogue" with the MLB Players Association, "that real risk is going to continue."3
[情報] 沙胖將擔任主席Rob Manfred的特助MLB names CC Sabathia special assistant to commissioner Rob Manfred 大聯盟於今日宣布 沙胖C.C Sabathia將擔任主席Rob Manfred的特別助理1
[情報] Rob Manfred 將於2029年一月卸任主席Breaking: Major League Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred said Thursday he plans to step down from the job upon the expiration of his contract in January 2029. 大聯盟主席 Rob Manfred
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