[情報] River Ryan 今年球季報銷

看板Baseball標題[情報] River Ryan 今年球季報銷作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:9

River Ryan’s season is over, Dave Roberts said

Ryan got an MRI this morning, but is still waiting on “other scans,” Roberts said, to know what the exact diagnosis is. Next course of action is TBD, but at this point on the calendar there won’t be time for him to return

蘿蔔賽前表示昨天提前退場的River Ryan今年球季報銷





River Ryan has a UCL strain, Dave Roberts said

No decision yet on treatment (or whether he'll need a potential surgery). Roberts said they are still evaluating his next steps

From earlier today:


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kevinsun042308/12 08:41痛痛躲

Miyanishi2508/12 08:41拜託….停賽吧……

Aaronko08/12 08:42道奇的投手的使用方式是不是有問題?開刀的也太多了吧

crayon198808/12 08:43有夠衰

Axwell08/12 08:43沒特別有問題吧 也沒狂操什麼的

sunmanbk08/12 08:43停賽梗玩這麼久不尬嗎?

moment61208/12 08:44哭啊

Jaguarsu08/12 08:45......

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 08/12/2024 08:47:00

sh331203708/12 08:47誰上誰受傷耶,老天都嫉妒這個陣容了嗎?

kandazin1808/12 08:51道奇需要祭改了 好慘

tarcowang08/12 08:52有看過說道奇的養成能將球員的天賦幾乎完全兌現,不知

tarcowang08/12 08:52道是不是太年輕就用100%的火力才造成容易受傷。

RWT51208/12 08:54無聊停賽梗

ig4999908/12 08:56笑了你躲球場是不是要做法一下

moonzone08/12 08:58怎麼越來越多傷兵

chienen08/12 09:12要開刀是要開TJ了嗎?

eon408/12 09:16昨天才看到他美技的說..

bboykay08/12 09:20真的很扯,今年蘿蔔已經保護投手到一直被靠北為什麼不信

bboykay08/12 09:20任投手可以繼續了

Sechslee08/12 09:21怎麼又倒一個

ChinaGy08/12 09:24慘 真的慘 這個天分不錯 但還是爆了

OneSong08/12 09:24躲人是不是感染到大都會靈氣了

asdf7004408/12 09:24投手墳場

starxls08/12 09:27少主海少主-1

adad4836208/12 10:15到底要倒幾個= =

hi92331008/12 10:18農場前三號投手全倒 今年都報銷 有哪隊比躲人慘

bj45112308/12 11:13道奇投手新秀們瑟瑟發抖中

biosphere08/12 11:23

myeunji08/12 11:46大谷靈光

SCBogi3008/12 11:54豪華版光芒 連痛痛程度也是

bruceedm08/12 12:34道奇五告衰

sunnyisgood08/12 12:53有人又再那邊牽拖

Hurricaneger08/12 13:29道奇:誰再幫新來的投手取外號叫少主,用律師團隊+

Hurricaneger08/12 13:29錢弄死他。