[情報] 松井裕樹簽約教士 5年28M
Left-handed reliever Yuki Matsui and the San Diego Padres are in agreement ona five-year, $28 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Deal is done. It includes opt-outs after the third and fourth years as well as an injury clause that can convert the fifth year into a club option.
還行 不過簽得好長
看到前面億來億去的合約 覺得這合約真的便宜
新 業務員
一年日幣約快八億 也比現在樂天合約2.5e多不少
今年救援王 去美國先發幹嘛......
還行啊保底五年 前兩年表現好還可以跳脫
後援來說這薪水非常不錯了 還有逃脫選項
果然是福袋價 不過也是吊打日本薪水
可以排進RP前30了 大概就一號二號牛的位置
可以跟大谷對決了 國西變日韓同樂會
簽蠻長的 不知道能不能適應
[情報] 教士和達爾續約六年108M,今年年薪30MRight-hander Yu Darvish and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on a six-yea r, $108 million contract extension, sources tell ESPN. The deal starts this se ason and runs through 2028, when Darvish will be 42. 教士和即將在這個球季結束成為自由球員的達爾爆
[情報] Xander Bogaerts去教士Shortstop Xander Bogaerts and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on an 11-y ear, $280 million contract, a source familiar with the deal tells ESPN. A mons ter contract and the Padres, after missing Trea Turner and Aaron Judge, get th e longtime Red Sox shortstop.97
[情報] 教士與小帝士簽下14年合約Star shortstop Fernando Tatis Jr. and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on a 14-year, $340 million contract extension, a source familiar with the deal tells ESPN. 14年340M43
[情報] 教士和達爾續約六年108M,今年年薪30MRight-hander Yu Darvish and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on a six-yea r, $108 million contract extension, sources tell ESPN. The deal starts this se ason and runs through 2028, when Darvish will be 42. 教士和即將在這個球季結束成為自由球員的達爾41
[情報] Jose Ramirez 簽下五年1億2400萬延長合約BREAKING: Star third baseman José Ramirez and the Cleveland Guardians are in agreement on a five-year, $124M contract extension, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. Deal includes full no-trade clause. With this year and pickup of a 2023 option, Ramirez is guaranteed $150M.34
[情報] Xander Bogaerts合約是275MXander Bogaerts' agreement with the Padres is actually for $275 million over 11 years, sources tell The Athletic. No opt-outs, full no-trade clause 最後出來確認是11yr/275M 而非280M20
[情報] Guardians與José Ramirez簽下延長合約BREAKING: Star third baseman José Ramirez and the Cleveland Guardians are in ag reement on a five-year, $124M contract extension, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. Deal includes full no-trade clause. With this year and pickup of a 2 023 option, Ramirez is guaranteed $150M.16
[情報] Robert Suarez續留教士5年46M...乾真大 Breaking: Robert Suárez and the Padres are in agreement on a 5-year deal worth $46 million, sources say. The contract includes an opt-out after 3 years. @MLBNetwork @MLB4
[情報] 教士接近和Musgrove簽下5yr/100M延長合Contract extension talks between Joe Musgrove and the Padres are gaining momentu m, sources tell @TheAthletic. No deal is done, but there is optimism on both sid es an agreement will come together by early next week. 雙方可能會在下週就達成共識- Infielder Jake Cronenworth and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on a seven- year, $80 million contract extension, a source tells ESPN. Starts next year and buys out five free agent seasons. Biggest deal ever for a player his age (29) wi th less than four years of service.
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