[炸裂] Nico Hoerner
苦主是後援投手,剛上來的Cory Abbott
Nico Nico
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People love Cardinals
because their rotation is good at walking batters
and also much slower than Fubon Guardians"
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※ 編輯: TRosenthal ( 臺灣), 07/20/2023 10:55:08
[炸裂] 蘇緯達中職例行賽 八局下半蘇緯達棒打江國謙 一發中左外野方向的滿貫砲幫助球隊拉開比分 中信兄弟6:1樂天桃猿 本季第四轟 --79
[情報] 獨行俠GM Nico:交易KP是為了增加靈活性“It really wasn’t about KP. It was more about adding flexibility.” - Nico on trading Porzingis. Nico said it’s both flexibility within the rotation and salary cap wise. 獨行俠總經理Nico在接受採訪時談到了交易KP。40
[情報] Dansby Swanson去小熊BREAKING: Shortstop Dansby Swanson and the Chicago Cubs are finalizing an agreem ent on a contract, sources tell ESPN. 雙方正在敲定合約 ---16
[炸裂] 廖健富中職例行賽 八局下半廖健富棒打鄭凱文 一發右外野方向的陽春砲幫助球隊拉開比分 樂天桃猿7:2中信兄弟 個人本季第六轟 --6
[情報] 小熊隊簽下Dee Strange-Gordon由於昨天陣中可以守二遊跟外野的超級工具人Nico Hoerner大腿拉傷 因此芝加哥小熊隊剛剛宣布以一紙小聯盟合約簽下Dee Strange-Gordon 去年在水手隊繳出.200/.268/.213的三圍 --5
[情報] 小熊和Nico Hoerner延長3yr/35M合約Second baseman Nico Hoerner and the Chicago Cubs are in agreement on a three-yea r, $35 million contract extension, sources tell ESPN. Deal buys out one year of free agency, but Hoerner still will hit the market at 29. Final two arbitration years priced ~$15M and FA year at ~$20M.3
[情報] Cubs extend Nico Hoerner 3yr/35MSecond baseman Nico Hoerner and the Chicago Cubs are in agreement on a three-yea r, $35 million contract extension, sources tell ESPN. Deal buys out one year of free agency, but Hoerner still will hit the market at 29. Final two arbitration years priced ~$15M and FA year at ~$20M.2
[炸裂] 金子侑司對上千葉羅德的比賽 打出了本季第一轟 是一發兩分砲 苦主為羅德先發岩下大輝 幫助西武把比分追平 目前2:2平手