[分享] 小V葛改口表示願意去洋基打球

看板Baseball標題[分享] 小V葛改口表示願意去洋基打球作者
時間推噓37 推:42 噓:5 →:24


If I get trade to #Yankees I will do my job and try to help that team or any team to win. I’m a professional and love this game #VladimirGuerreroJr told Omar from Virus Deportivo




June 25: Vladimir Guerrero Jr. doesn't rule out Yankees

Earlier in his career, Vladimir Guerrero Jr. firmly stated on multiple occasions that he'd never play for the Yankees. But an underwhelming first half of the season for the Blue Jays has evidently changed his stance. Toronto is sitting in last place in the AL East with a 35-43 record entering Tuesday, 16 games behind the Yankees and holding a less than one percent chance to make the playoffs, viaBaseball Reference.

Consequently, Guerrero recently expressed that he would be "happy to help any team," even if it was the divisional rival in New York. Expanding further on the topic to Omar Guzmán of Virus Deportivo, Guerrero said: "It is not that I am trying to take back what I said about the Yankees. But this is a business. I sat down and spoke with my dad [Vladimir Guerrero] and my family, and this is a business. And I said I would never again talk about this topic [Yankees], and lots ofpeople have asked me about it."

However, it is simultaneously worth noting that Blue Jays general manager Ross Atkins said on MLB Network radio earlier in June that it "doesn't make any sensefor us" to trade Guerrero.



不過這篇乳摸最後也補充說藍鳥總管Ross Atkins在六月稍早時說過交易小V葛沒什麼意義。



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WeGoStyle06/26 12:21$太香了

superAchung06/26 12:21都鉅砲了,還想挑球場?

EEERRIICC06/26 12:21FA 美金香

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/26/2024 12:21:59

superAchung06/26 12:21洋基根本不需要他吧

沒在看球才會覺得洋基不需要他吧 一壘手超慘的

jiaxie06/26 12:22丞相,起風了!

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/26/2024 12:22:43

charlie0106/26 12:22看到標題笑好幾秒 XDD

charlie0106/26 12:22有需要啦 來啊 歡迎歡迎

shc72306/26 12:23我也不想娶林志玲

easton12306/26 12:23類吹密

NewPacers06/26 12:25北極熊不是也想到洋基隊?要收集多少公仔

murmur3806/26 12:26洋基又要簽幾張養老長約?

bmwnyy87091506/26 12:26不是你願不願意 是你球隊願不願意

kausan06/26 12:27$$真的太多了

jwptt06/26 12:27這不是在討論交易嗎 又不是簽約

bmwnyy87091506/26 12:28藍鳥該拆了吧

Notif52006/26 12:28小V葛來肯定歡迎啦

WindSpread06/26 12:29侮辱性極強

Aaronko06/26 12:29錢留下來續約Soto比較實在

Notif52006/26 12:30確實留下Soto才是首要目標

murmur3806/26 12:30Soto+1

aa7520tw06/26 12:30他把鬍子刮掉應該很難看

chargebro06/26 12:31本斥但香

charlie0106/26 12:32這些訊息講的很明顯完全是今年七月的交易市場

charlie0106/26 12:33和季後錢留下來砸誰或者啥又要幾個長約沒有關係

shc72306/26 12:33來打工季末也不會留

charlie0106/26 12:34藍鳥最近戰績崩盤 愈來愈多人覺得他們當賣家機率大增

charlie0106/26 12:34 所以這些消息自然又開始出現 就這樣

DPP4806/26 12:35歡迎棄暗投明,起義來歸(被鳥迷暴打

ts199306/26 12:36這是講交易吧看 有沒有球隊要打工仔

abc555599006/26 12:37 SOTO最重要 小V葛這1~2季也沒很強

ts199306/26 12:37是說他合約還有多久啊

polanco06/26 12:38還有一年半控制期

Longoria306/26 12:38搞不好去金鳥,一鳥換一鳥

polanco06/26 12:39他現在的表現也許不符合當初的期待 但洋基一壘大概是大

polanco06/26 12:39聯盟墊底了

wildkid06/26 12:39我基可以考慮給Ben Rice一些耐心,volpe也是這樣練的,

wildkid06/26 12:39不需要委屈小葛謝謝

ts199306/26 12:40那的確能是能賣的時間了 但就算賣應該不會給洋基啦

qrrd06/26 12:41真香~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alex1306/26 12:41雖然很敬業,就算去洋基也會好好打球,但同區的很難交易成

jurickson06/26 12:41真香

es9114ian06/26 12:45他來就是站3壘啊,1壘給Rice

Hsin022006/26 12:45Ben Rice的身材跟打擊動作真的讓我想到之前的鳥哥(Bir

Hsin022006/26 12:45d)

all03506/26 12:47洋基一壘 找顆西瓜可能都比現在強

a4055847306/26 12:47soto比較重要

es9114ian06/26 12:47不然整天看Torres DJ這兩個上去殘害球隊,不說還以為

es9114ian06/26 12:47他們在坦隊勒

es9114ian06/26 12:48洋基現在2 3壘更慘

nadleeh06/26 12:48

davidex06/26 12:50有想過洋基要他嗎

apestage06/26 12:53現在也沒到SOTO那種等級

dageegee06/26 12:57真香啊

b9920207106/26 13:00誰在意你這過譽仔想不想去= =還不是看球隊臉色

Endospore06/26 13:03哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

CowBaoGan06/26 13:04真香阿 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

GyroZeppeli06/26 13:11沒骨氣

sunlar06/26 13:15洋基一壘真的爛..

csb1485006/26 13:16Soto 比較香,抱歉了!

amos3062706/26 13:17去哪隊看能不能修好吧

yaes11106/26 13:21誰要誰撿 我基不是回收場

Hakase556606/26 13:31就是一個弱化版小王子 誰簽誰盤

laking06/26 13:40洋基找北極熊吧

Wb2029T06/26 13:47已經不是跟大谷一時瑜亮的等級了

ganlinlowsu06/26 14:06Soto重要多了

gswsb06/26 15:25要簽也是簽北極熊吧

atn101006/26 15:50當初不是一直罵洋基嗎???

taddy054006/26 16:18你這二年退成降,誰敢簽大約

mott06/26 17:52連普通選手都稱不上

superAchung06/26 19:28這咖都提前退化了,洋基也不需要

mstar06/26 19:42又一個從小就是基迷?