[情報] Aroldis Chapman被禁賽兩場
Aroldis Chapman was suspended two games for complaining to Venezuelan umpire Edwin Moscoso on Monday.
This is Champan's first ejection in an MLB game in his 15-season career.
古巴火球男Aroldis Chapman在日前的比賽中對主審有不禮貌的言行,隨後遭到驅逐出場,大聯盟對這次判罰做出禁賽兩場的處分,還可以上訴,Aroldis Chapman大聯盟生涯第一次被驅逐出場~
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[情報] 查普曼解釋為何缺席練習Yankees pitcher Aroldis Chapman said he would attend their mandatory workout if he definitely was going to be on their postseason roster. The Yankees could not give him that assurance. Chapman stayed home in Miami. The Yankees told him to stay there.30
[情報] Aroldis Chapman:若在季後賽名單就會去練Yankees pitcher Aroldis Chapman said he would attend their mandatory workout if he definitely was going to be on their postseason roster. The Yankees could not give him that assurance. Chapman stayed home in Miami.33
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[情報] 今天Aroldis ChapmanAroldis Chapman:1.0IP 2H 2K 0BB 1R 1ER 用球數:20 好球:14 今天這場是Chapman從COVID-19痊癒後首場大聯盟出賽 投一局被打兩安打掉1分,但也投出兩次三振 最快球速還飆到101英哩
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