[情報] 武裝歹徒闖入紅雀多明尼加棒球學校搶劫

看板Baseball標題[情報] 武裝歹徒闖入紅雀多明尼加棒球學校搶劫作者
時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:10

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic -- Authorities are seeking at least five people in an armed robbery of the St. Louis Cardinals complex in the Dominican Republic on Friday.


Dominican Republic police spokesman Diego Pesqueira told The Associated Press the suspects bound and gagged a security guard and stole watches, rings, necklaces and other items from athletes and personnel.



Pesqueira said the suspects used the guard's shoelaces to tie his wrists and ankles together. No one was injured, and no shots were fired, he said.


A statement from the Cardinals said baseball equipment was also stolen. Playersand staff at the complex were shaken, Cardinals president of baseball operations John Mozeliak said.


"This was scary on many fronts," Mozeliak said in the statement. The team will reassess its security at the complex immediately, he said.


Pesqueira said he did not have details of all the items stolen or their total value because police are waiting for the baseball academy to provide a list of everything taken.


The suspects have not been identified, Pesqueira said.



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sesd10/14 13:20 棒球學校能搶到什麼東西?? = =

ludoren10/14 13:20搶棒球器材

ghostl4080910/14 13:20似乎不是第一次?

a4895631210/14 13:21新聞不就講了,手錶項鍊戒指,棒球器具

sesd10/14 13:215個歹徒持搶搶棒球學校 這CP值也太低了 不如持搶去搶富戶

hans719210/14 13:22搶富戶? 不怕被火力壓制嗎?XD

ericinttu10/14 13:23 前幾個月是不是也有一起?

PTTrkai10/14 13:29教練…我想打棒球

Congopenguin10/14 13:34搶棒球器具? 這有那麼值錢嗎

hans719210/14 13:36窮到只剩下槍阿 那國家真槍合法比我們BB槍還寬鬆

jack3403110/14 13:41教練,我想打劫

tsai145310/14 13:44便宜的手槍1~200鎂,可能板上大部分人的棒球手套都還比

tsai145310/14 13:44較貴

mystage10/14 13:51電影的話,可能是貧民窟的小朋友想練棒球,所以大人去搶

mystage10/14 13:51用具。

TexasFlood10/14 14:05有錢的單位就會做好安保吧,最後就是窮窮互搶

ghostl4080910/14 14:09紅襪的年中時被搶

punk179910/14 14:16既然要偷戒指、項鍊 幹嘛大費周章去棒球學校偷!?

arlfasamue10/14 14:46有新的幫派覬覦保護費吧

hahabis10/14 14:50有病嗎?

Cishang10/14 14:54手槍1鎂?

hans719210/14 14:59在一個大家都有槍的社會搶棒球學校真的就柿子挑軟的吃

hans719210/14 14:59應該說大家都能有槍的國家

rbull10/14 15:17球具又沒值多少錢

Puye10/14 15:26大概就是沒魚蝦也好吧 難度也比較低

A791027A10/14 15:54美國最近好多重大搶案

gstar17510/14 19:19棒球學校到底有什麼好搶的… 還是他們也有業績壓力?