[討論] 美國隊2009賽前受訪

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作者: abc12812 () 看板: MLB
標題: [WBC] 美國隊也準備好了
時間: Tue Mar 3 21:51:08 2009 (原內容已佚失)

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- Three years ago, they had no idea what they were in for.

They had no idea how ready the rest of the world was. They had no idea how
not ready they were themselves. And, worst of all, the world-famous members
of Team USA had absolutely no idea the World Baseball Classic was about to
turn into their own little international embarrassment.

"We thought we'd crush everybody," Todd Jones, a member of Team USA's
star-studded 2006 bullpen, recalled Monday. "So we were all concerned about
playing time."
Todd Jones:我以為我們打別隊就像老爸打兒子

Oops. Not for long.

They had no idea they could fall eight runs behind Canada by the sixth
inning. They had no idea they could get shut down by a bunch of tricky Koreanpitchers they'd never heard of. They had no idea that Oliver Perez and seven
Mexican relievers could outduel Roger Clemens and oust them in the second

But it all happened, in very real life. And the men who were a part of Team
USA's 2006 WBC nightmare think they know exactly why it happened.

Three years ago, said Davey Johnson, a coach on the 2006 edition but the
manager this time around, "It was kinda like glitz and glamour -- but not a
lot of preparation."
Davey Johnson:我那時還以為我們是去觀光的咧

So that brings us to Monday, the day the 2009 version of Team USA hit the
field for the first time. There's a pretty fair chance you won't have any
trouble telling this team from, say, South Africa's.

It's a team with 14 former All-Stars, three former MVPs, three onetime
rookies of the year, a 20-homer man at every position on the field, Jake
Peavy and Roy Oswalt at the top of the rotation and a bullpen that includes
seven different smokeballers who averaged better than a strikeout an inning
last year.

But assembling talent was never this team's biggest challenge -- not even in
a year during which somebody or other seemed to be excusing himself from the
roster every 15 minutes during the past few days.

Nope, the biggest challenge has been trying to make sure this team -- unlike
the last one -- is actually ready to play when it kicks off this extravaganzaSaturday in Toronto. And the manager thinks that mission already has been

"We're definitely more prepared than we were a few years ago," Johnson said.

There's a reason spring training started on Feb. 14 this year, even though
the season won't open until April 5. There's a reason the Grapefruit League
and Cactus League games were already rolling by Feb. 25, the earliest openingdate ever.

And you could sum up that reason in three letters -- WBC.

When the powers that be studied why Team USA's rule-the-world dreams blew up
last time, they didn't have to study long. Turned out they'd forgotten one
minor detail that soon turned into a major disaster:

They forgot that baseball players need to play.

"Three years ago, we only had one exhibition game, against the Giants," said
Chipper Jones, one of four players on this team who were around in 2006. "So
in my case, I'd played in one [exhibition] game for the Braves, against [the
University of] Georgia. Then I had two at-bats in that San Francisco game. SoI had four live at-bats before we had to step it up [in the WBC].
Chipper Jones: 拎北上次賽前只在大魯閣打了四球

"Not a real good setup for success," Jones concluded, pretty darned astutely.Chipper Jones: 發球機太慢了

You could make a fine case, of course, that five days of spring training
games -- followed this week by three Team USA exhibition games -- isn't a
whole lot better of a setup for success, considering that some countries havebeen gearing up for the WBC for months. But in the manager's eyes, this is
still a massive improvement on 2006.

"I think the biggest thing is that most of these guys now have had 10 to 12
at-bats," Johnson said. "And that's really big. Most of the pitchers have hadat least one or two outings. That's huge.
Johnson: 這次多給你們幾個代幣

"And just knowing that the competition is going to be tough. Taking it
seriously. Preparing a little bit. So I think mentally and physically, this
group is much more prepared than a few years ago."

Three years ago, they didn't get it. Maybe they couldn't have gotten it untilthey'd been through it. But much like their hoops brethren, the 2004 Dream
Team, they made the mistake of assuming they'd be the ones kicking butt just
because this was their game.

It wasn't until they actually started playing, and getting whupped, Todd
Jones said, when "we found out other countries had worked out since Jan. 1.
Heck, even Korea got military exemptions if they got to [the final four in]
San Diego.
Todd Jones: 虎落平陽被犬欺

"So there was a lot on the line for all those [countries] except ours," he
said. "We [just] wanted to get our work in and not get hurt."
Todd Jones: 被打怕了

That's not normally a real good prescription for how to wind up on the old
medal stand. But fortunately, Johnson was there to witness it firsthand. And
apparently, he was taking notes.

"I think Major League Baseball understood that there were a lot of guys a
couple of years ago who felt like they were big leaguers who'd had great
careers and they could just throw their glove out on the mound and get peopleout," he said. "I think now they realize that all around the globe, there aresome great baseball players playing for Mexico, and Italy, and these
countries can beat you."
Johnson: 到處都有好手

a different sport, it didn't take any arm twisting to convince the manager ofthe parallels.

"I think it's pretty much a similar thing," Johnson said. "I overheard DustinPedroia today talking about how Dice-K was rubbing it in all the time,
talking about how 'we won, and you guys weren't even around.' So I know theseguys don't want to have to hear that again this year."
Johnson: Pedroia跟我說Dice-K傷到他幼小的心靈了

Then again, the Japanese team has been working out together for weeks. The
American team didn't even find itself in the same locker room, or working outon the same field, until Monday.

Next up, it's exhibition games against the Yankees on Tuesday, the Blue Jays
on Wednesday and the Phillies on Thursday, followed by a postgame flight to
Toronto and the real deal. So if these guys are to bond, they'll have to do
it fast.

And let's just say there are some, uh, natural barriers to that bonding. The
Phillies' Jimmy Rollins, for instance, reported that when he reached his
locker, he found the Mets' David Wright stationed just two lockers over.
Luckily for them, the man in between them turned out to be their personal
U.N. peacekeeper.

"Sure enough, [Derek] Jeter comes in, gets to his locker and says, 'They put
me in between you two? Huh? Peace,'" Rollins said, laughing. "And that kind
of broke the ice right there. So that's why he's the captain."
Jeter: 我怎麼會是第三者?

Whether Johnson can maintain that peace when he tries to figure out whom to
start at short -- Jeter or Rollins -- and whom to start at third -- Wright orChipper -- is a whole different sort of challenge. But the manager is alreadylooking for ways to stay out of that fray, too.

"I've got Hall of Fame coaches on this staff," Johnson quipped. "And I had
them submit lineups to me. So if these guys don't like my lineup, I'll tell
them it was [Barry] Larkin's idea. Or Mike Schmidt's. I'll take the heat off
Johnson: 我可是國寶咧

But (ba-dum bum) seriously, folks, Johnson also hopes to take the heat off
his players by giving them as much say in their fate as possible.

He asked players Monday which ones were used to getting the green light to
run on their own. He checked on which position players felt they were ready
to play all nine innings, and which ones weren't. And he let them know that
"I've never been one to overmanage."

But however all that shakes out, the manager has a good feeling about this
group -- good enough that he ripped a page out of his shortstop's
psych-'em-up handbook by predicting that Team USA is the "team to beat" in
this tourney.
Johnson: 我感覺,我們會打的不錯

line and gotten a stipend from his manager out of it. But Davey Johnson
wasn't acting like a man who is real concerned about getting a bill.

"From now on, I'll just let him [Rollins] be the spokesman," Johnson said,
Johnson: 科科,愛講就讓你講個夠!

rbull:好厲害的鄉民式翻譯61.31.50.1 03/03 22:03
ckcollman:XDDDDDDDDDD118.170.34.62 03/03 22:04
tows0606:這樣翻記者就不會抄了吧123.193.91.202 03/03 22:04
geartrains:真是簡單易懂XDDD61.56.150.96 03/03 22:05
ckbaboon:比較希望記者抄 這樣就好玩了163.25.118.136 03/03 22:05
AdPiG:Chipper Jones的好笑XD59.126.56.245 03/03 22:06
yanggh: 上次的夢幻隊還沒清醒就夢遺了60.249.12.218 03/03 22:06
littlelaba:哇塞 精簡耶!! 03/03 22:08
a5896:笑死我了 03/03 22:09
likehate:XDDDDDDD不推不行了115.43.216.202 03/04 02:41
shaunchow:多給幾個代幣是對的..... 03/04 04:43
juanmao:XDDDDDDDDDDDD123.110.125.103 03/04 20:19

—⊙-⊙- 因為需要炸的東西太多了, 謝天
██ 就炸你家罷。 █████
菜菜子 ♀ 單身
﹨▲∕███ ψa12582002


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zkow03/18 14:24打短期賽本來就沒有一定贏或強弱差距太大

zkow03/18 14:24剛開始經典賽時大家比較不熟悉這種短期賽的勝負出現

ericinttu03/18 14:26"板上在吵MLB到底有沒有認真投入經典賽" 哪一篇???

ultratimes03/18 14:35美國隊當年連游擊該給誰都搞不定,Ji-Ro守備比較強

ultratimes03/18 14:35但是Jeter牌子大,最後兩人DH/SS輪流放

omena03/18 14:36J-Ro比較好

ultratimes03/18 14:36明明給Ji-Ro固定游擊,Jeter打DH就好,偏偏當游擊霸

zkow03/18 14:51Jeter對日本隊八下那個傳偏,導致多送一分給日本隊

zkow03/18 14:51開啟日本八局下大局,最終輸球

Stras3703/18 14:52好好笑