[情報] 天使隊仍然稍微超過豪華稅線

看板Baseball標題[情報] 天使隊仍然稍微超過豪華稅線作者
時間推噓49 推:50 噓:1 →:23


Turns out the #Angels are still barely over the luxury tax threshold (by less than the $1.7M they are paying Randal Grichuk, who went unclaimed).

Obviously that's a small amount the Angels would pay for 2023, but it means they would pay 30% instead of 20% if they go over in 24.




Yes, exceeding the luxury tax means the Angels compensation pick if they lose Ohtani would be after the 4th round instead of after the 2nd round.



GM Perry Minasian said he doesn't think exceeding the luxury tax in 2023 would have an impact on what he can spend in 2024.

"We'll get to that point when we start building the '24 roster, but from the conversation I've had, there will be no impact."

Perry Minasian則說他認為超線對明年能花多少錢沒有影響


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ohya383809/02 09:41老闆神操作

Axwell09/02 09:41笑死

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 09/02/2023 09:43:05

JoeMaddon09/02 09:43笑死

Puye09/02 09:43結果還是沒達到目的

b9920207109/02 09:44可憐哪

saiulbb09/02 09:44所以現在還有甚麼辦法降低呢

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 09/02/2023 09:44:49

payneblue09/02 09:45軟洞:笑死

mightymouse09/02 09:45Grichuk最近爛成那樣,沒人想接盤也是合理

penaa09/02 09:48軟洞:瞪我幹嘛?

laking09/02 09:48變成更Air

www9017309/02 09:49神操作?.?

SlamKai09/02 09:49笑死

chyng120209/02 09:51再亂買r

Kaberman56909/02 09:51笑死 要Win Now失敗 也沒換到農場大物 要省錢也不成

Kaberman56909/02 09:51功 拿即戰力換空氣???

daisyung09/02 09:51太幽默了天使

sarahlo09/02 09:51白玩

sasman09/02 09:52放大谷不就可以降低到稅限內了嗎

ralfeistein09/02 09:52呵呵呵

sarahlo09/02 09:52還有什麼可以操作的?

lmf77041009/02 09:52摳憐

DendiQ09/02 09:53放大谷不就一定可以降

JazMaHoJo09/02 09:54有夠失敗的老板

payneblue09/02 09:54明天大谷走 就可以繼續煩惱軟洞的爛約了

payneblue09/02 09:54明年

DendiQ09/02 09:55大谷走就不用煩惱 rendon 吧,就重建

alex058909/02 09:55這隊根本是教科書等級

jerry0011609/02 09:56放大谷就沒有季後給合格報價的機會,QO被簽走還能拿補

jerry0011609/02 09:56償啊

jerry0011609/02 09:56雖然跟交易來比也只是不無小補

Blackie921109/02 09:57

lxf09/02 10:01大谷放出來啊

colalight09/02 10:03笑死 精算失敗

fireforce09/02 10:04反正天使也沒心養新秀 幾輪沒啥影響

cheng3150709/02 10:04笑死

pass948709/02 10:05731放大谷和鱒魚就好啦

linyutw6609/02 10:05我不信會放大谷

YDSK09/02 10:06呵呵

arthurhsu12309/02 10:08笑死 真盤

yankees73309/02 10:09花錢花心酸的

ilks233409/02 10:12舒服,這樣搞天使老闆就對了

Jerry092409/02 10:15這隊做啥都爛真的笑死

movieghost09/02 10:18丟大谷啊 一招直接叫國稅局閉嘴

u9596g1209/02 10:19明年就少大谷薪水了 不用怕 這樣最省

opportunity09/02 10:20笑死,季後大谷快逃吧!

idolman09/02 10:20一套組合打下來 敵人毫髮無傷 自己卻半死不活 這GM真天才

chang774109/02 10:21韭菜隊

zxc91102109/02 10:21超過還可以爛成這樣 天使制服組真的不簡單

kenro09/02 10:22但換那些人,天使還丟新秀,現在也兩頭空

AtDe09/02 10:22明年大谷就不在了,沒差

capsspac09/02 10:24大谷:別怕 我要閃人囉

WasJohnWall09/02 10:26Arte不高興了

Darvish556609/02 10:36笑死

jino0109/02 10:40都一樣啦!從爛變爛透了

realtreasure09/02 10:48天使制服組真的爛透了

Romulus09/02 10:51笑死

jasper230209/02 10:55XD

erodora09/02 10:58應該把大谷放讓渡名單

ruffryders09/02 10:59花大錢陪公子練球

coldeden09/02 11:06

laking09/02 11:14把大谷放名單你應該說為什麼不交易,如果把他放進去季後連

laking09/02 11:14QO都不能開

sarahchou09/02 11:16大谷為了天使和自己, 明年應該要走,這樣天使就會被

sarahchou09/02 11:16少酸一點了

laking09/02 11:19不管大谷在哪隊都會被酸吧

gn0032489309/02 11:30天使這種神奇操作早習慣了 不用意外啦

tigerliao09/02 11:31

s86038209/02 11:35Grichuk很可憐耶 沒人要 又害老闆超過稅線QQQQQQ

xo110009/02 11:38笑死 要做什麼都落空

testlab09/02 11:40笑死

harrychen41309/02 12:49這隊真的是搞笑咖

PekoKiara09/02 13:16笑死

KKwilliam09/02 13:23哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

victor8771009/02 21:04笑死