[炸裂] Kevin Pillar
我猴新同學Kevin Pillar炸裂
棒打Nestor Cortes
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[情報] Kevin Pillar 鼻子多處骨折UPDATE ON KEVIN PILLAR FLUSHING, N.Y., May 18, 2021 — The New York Mets have announced the following update regarding outfielder Kevin Pillar. After being hit by a pitch in the top of the seventh inning last night, Pillar suffered multiple nasal fractures. He will be meeting with a facial specialist in Atlanta to25
[閒聊] Kevin Pillar被觸身球打鼻子流血勇士對梅子 七局上半滿壘有人 輪到四棒Pillar 結果Webb直接一顆直球往臉上招呼15
[情報] Kevin Pillar to RedSoxSource confirms: Free-agent outfielder Kevin Pillar close to deal with #RedSox. Will be major-league contract if completed. First reported: @JonHeyman .7
[情報] Kevin Pillar 1年4.25M加入紅襪在幾天的流傳之後 Kevin Pillar在紅襪休息室短暫現身 並在室內鳥籠做了幾次揮棒 Pillar將簽下一年4.25M的合約 預計在周六早上完成簽約 簽下Pillar的動作對紅襪來說相當合理7
[情報] Kevin Pillar to MetsPillar and Mets have a deal @martinonyc on it Pillar Mets deal: Creative contract that guarantees $5M over 1 year, and poten ti5
[情報] Kevin Pillar to DodgersKevin Pillar to Dodgers. $2.5M base. 小聯盟約,若上大聯盟2.5M --5
[炸裂] Yandy Diaz5局上,光芒靠洋基先發投手Nestor Cortes控球不穩攻占滿壘,光芒1棒打者Diaz瞄準一 顆低角度的卡特球一棒轟上左外野看台,個人本季第10轟 這發滿貫砲幫助光芒取得5比0領先 --2
[炸裂] Jorge Mateo教士隊的前百大新秀Jorge Mateo於九局上半炸裂,棒打響尾蛇後援投手Kevin Ginkel 幫助球隊拉開差距,以12:2領先響尾蛇 這發兩分砲也是Mateo生涯首轟,恭喜Mateo 這比看到Greinke炸裂還讓我驚訝XD --1
[情報] Kevin Pillar to RockiesThe Rockies are acquiring Kevin Pillar and cash from the Red Sox in exchange for a PTBNL and 2019-20 international slot money, per source. Kevin Pillar 去落磯,洛磯出一名 PTBNL 和 19-20 國際球員簽約金 --X
[炸裂] Kevin Pillar No.3勇士金鶯之戰,8下落後1分的勇士隊靠著 Kevin Pillar的代打2分彈,成功逆轉比分 這發全壘打超過400呎,本季第三轟。 那勇士的左外野就變得沒那麼弱了? 鷹俠上場要守住啊…