[情報] 天使面試了Showalter,Washington做為總教練人選

看板Baseball標題[情報] 天使面試了Showalter,Washington做為總教練人選作者
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With the team zeroing in on candidates with big league managing experience, theAngels have interviewed Ron Washington and Buck Showalter for their managerial vacancy, league sources told The Athletic.

The process to find a replacement for Phil Nevin has ramped up in recent days, sources said, and the team views the remaining candidates as finalists. A decision could come this week, though that’s not guaranteed. Owner Arte Moreno will have the final say in the hire.

Showalter has managed for 22 years and has a reputation for rebuilding downtrodden organizations quickly, something he accomplished with the Yankees, Diamondbacks, Rangers and Orioles. He has ties to Minasian, who was a scout with the Rangers during Showalter’s tenure as manager.

Washington led the Rangers to the World Series in 2010 and 2011. He has since worked as a coach for the A’s and has been the third base coach in Atlanta since2017 — overlapping with Minasian, who worked in the Braves’ front office before coming to Anaheim. Minasian also worked as a scout with the Rangers during some of Washington’s tenure.


天使希望他們的新總教練擁有執教經驗,他們已經面試了Buck Showalter,Ron Washington可能的作為總教練人選

最近他們炒了Nevin所以有個總教練缺,天使已經決定了最後名單,為證實消息說天使老闆Arte Moreno這禮拜就會決定新的總教練是誰

Buck Showalter 擁有22年的帶兵經驗,也曾在洋基、響尾蛇、遊騎兵、金鶯帶過重建球隊成功

Ron Washington 是前遊騎兵總教練,在2010,2011兩度帶領球隊打進世界大賽,2017年以來他一直是勇士的三壘指



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※ 編輯: mschien8295 ( 臺灣), 11/08/2023 14:10:05

Edison117411/08 14:10老闆不換找誰都沒救

※ 編輯: mschien8295 ( 臺灣), 11/08/2023 14:14:51

bbo4045311/08 14:15天使很愛條子出身的耶XD美西邦邦

zxc90638311/08 14:15勇士三壘指吧

killua020911/08 14:20把老闆換了才有救

polanco11/08 14:24然後內文有可能會去大都會XD

polanco11/08 14:25

Axwell11/08 14:25如果內文跟大谷都去大都會 各位會崩潰嗎

xyz012311/08 14:27大都會不是找洋基板凳教練當總教練?

SbHunt11/08 14:28栗山英樹不試試看嗎

bear678911/08 14:28上面寫內文可能去梅子當板凳教練

polanco11/08 14:32就大都會想找一個有總教經驗的當板凳教練

KKwilliam11/08 14:44大谷去哪隊哪有差 難道去了就拒看嗎

shishio711/08 17:22Ron Washington喔? 前條子總仔

kissmy092611/08 17:33垃圾投手換誰都沒用

selamour11/08 17:50所以華盛頓有跟著勇士拿到冠軍戒欸~

catson11/08 21:11GM問題大,不先處理嗎?

andy030511/08 21:22Showalter帶球隊有氣無力的 調度又很爛快退休養老吧