[情報] deGrom:總有一天,我會把故事告訴你

看板Baseball標題[情報] deGrom:總有一天,我會把故事告訴你作者
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Jacob deGrom Told Buck Showalter There's a 'Real' Story Behind Leaving New York Mets

Q: Was it just a matter of getting out-bid, though? Did you feel Jake was all that happy in New York?

A: Yes, I do. I just talked to him the other day," he said, “someday I’d liketo sit down with you and explain what really happened. I really thought I’d beback there.”

"I’ll take him at his word, but I think it’s pretty simple: the Rangers made him an offer that was light-years ahead of everyone else. Plus there’s no stateincome tax (in Texas) and he was looking for a place to spread out. He’s got it. Jake will be happy there and he’ll pitch well. He was great to have around, he was always good with me. But the thing is, Jake is from rural central Florida. He just wants to be left alone to pitch. We’ll miss him, but I can’t dwell on it at this point."

梅子教頭Buck Showalter說他在地瓜FA去條子後






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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/01/2023 00:00:46

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