[情報] 微軟副董事長入股水手隊

看板Baseball標題[情報] 微軟副董事長入股水手隊作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:6

Microsoft vice chair and president Brad Smith and wife Kathy Surace-Smith have purchased a stake in the Seattle Mariners, becoming just the third additions to the team’s ownership group since 1992.

The team announced the addition of the Smiths to the Mariners Partnership Groupon Wednesday. They are the first additions to the team’s ownership structure since Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr. joined in 2021.

微軟副董事長暨總裁Brad Smith和他的妻子Kathy Surace-Smith



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justdoit05/04 10:25要用AI分析數據嗎

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ymca013505/04 10:34水手要變疾風戰士了嗎?

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