Re: [情報] 綠帽球迷的反抵制日,票價漲53%

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The Nevada state Senate has passed the $380 million bill to help fund the proposed stadium for the Oakland A's move to Las Vegas.

Later today, A's fans will stage a "reverse boycott" at Oakland Coliseum. The hope: Fans show up en masse to encourage owner John Fisher to sell.

相應於奧克蘭球迷要讓老闆John Fisher賣球隊的”反抵制”行動,內華達州議會已經通過380M的預算來協助興建奧克蘭運動家未來在拉斯維加斯的新球場。

Next up: The 42-person Nevada Assembly will vote on the bill. If it passes, it will go to Gov. Joe Lombardo, a proponent of the A’s moving to Las Vegas, who will sign it into law. Then the A’s, who have been in Oakland since 1968, would seek final relocation approval from MLB.

接下來內華達的42人大會將會對該預算案進行表決。如果通過了,支持運動家搬家到拉斯維加斯的州長Joe Lombardo將會親自簽署該法案。而自1968年就在奧克蘭的運動家隊將要尋求MLB的最終同意始能搬遷。



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