[分享] 大聯盟官網記者John Morosi採訪蔡其昌
Jon Morosi在他的推特上分享的
Chi-chang Tsai, CPBL Commissioner, told me of the @Premier12 opener at Taipei Dome: “We’ve waited so long to have such a magnificent stadium, capable of hosting a high-level tournament. We can see a sellout crowd of 40,000. We’re going to feel the support of the fans.” @WBSC
Riders of the Taipei Metro will be greeted by these images as they arrive for the historic @Premier12 opener at Taipei Dome. We’ll have the broadcast for you on @DAZN_Sport . The hosts are ready to make a statement on the global baseball stage. @WBSC
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/13/2024 12:37:02
[情報] 12強分組公佈啦A組 11/10-11/14 墨西哥主辦 墨西哥 美國 荷蘭38
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[情報] WBSC公佈U23世界盃分組+賽程U23世界盃分組 A組:哥倫比亞、德國、日本、南非、台灣、委內瑞拉 B組:澳洲、古巴、南韓、墨西哥、荷蘭、波多黎各 參賽資格24
幫刪DAZN, the world's leading sports entertainment platform, and the World Basebal l Softball Confederation (WBSC), the international governing body for Baseball, So19
[分享] 後幾年一級國際賽排程剛剛看WBSC官網前天的新聞稿 WBSC Events President Fraccari also reviewed the enhancement of the WBSC event’s portfolio, praising not only the creation of the Premier12 (the Global Baseball Battle tha15
[情報] WBSC官網 中職新會長報導剛剛看到WBSC官網也PO了相關報導 ague-boost-chinese-taipei-team-for-tokyo-olympic-qualifier 就來大略的翻一下 但本人不是專業的,所以如果有翻錯,敬請告知10
[分享] WBSC回顧蝦哥 世界12強霸氣開轟Che-Hsuan Lin bomb from his knees at the 2019 Premier12 Edition! #Premier12 #WBSC WBSC在今天回顧蝦哥在2019年 世界12強面對澳洲隊索爾擊出了全壘打的霸氣畫面。8
[分享] WBSC推特:大會現場來源:WBSC官方推特 @WBSC Congress countdown. Hours away from the 4th WBSC Congress at the Marriott Hotel in Taipei City. The stage is nearly set. #WBSCCongress7
[情報] WBSC和日本SSK達成續約(12強比賽用球)WBSC renews partnership with SSK as supplier of Official Ball, Umpire Kit of Bas eball World Cups, Premier12 世界棒壘球總會(WBSC)和日本體育用品公司SSK3
[情報] WBSC:日本這次12強轉播權分配The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) announced the TV broadcast part ners and streaming services in Japan for the WBSC Premier12 2024, presented by R AXUS. WBSC公佈這次12強日本的轉播權分配