[分享] 朗希 vs Skenes、天才小史、投手大谷

看板Baseball標題[分享] 朗希 vs Skenes、天才小史、投手大谷作者
時間推噓18 推:19 噓:1 →:16




Is Sasaki the best? We posed that question to several executives, asking how he stacks up against Stephen Strasburg (the No. 1 overall pick in 2009) and Paul Skenes (No. 2 in 2023), the top mound prospects in Draft history, and Ohtani, who created similar buzz when he came over from Japan in 2017.


Sasaki has a lot going for him, starting with an 88-91 mph splitter that features shockingly low spin rates, floating toward the plate before tumbling at the end. It may be the best pitch in the world right now, and many evaluators say they've never seen a better splitter. He also sat at 96-98 mph with his fastball last year, has touched 102.5 mph in the past and can flash a plus slider at 83-85 mph with two-plane depth.


Sasaki has been under the scouting microscope for years, so some imperfections have come to light. His command of his fastball and his consistency with his slider could use some work, and some scouts question the shape of his heater. He missed time the past couple of years with a torn left oblique (2023) and shoulder soreness (2024), and his velocity and life on his pitches regressed a bit last season.


vs Skenes

Almost all of the club officials we consulted prefer Skenes to Sasaki at the same stage of their careers. Skenes didn't have a single pitch that could match Sasaki's splitter, but he had a better fastball with similar velocity, a significantly better slider, better command and a stronger build (6-foot-6, 235 pounds vs. 6-foot-2, 187 pounds). After signing for a then-record $9.2 million, Skenes added a 93-95 mph splinker (hybrid sinker/splitter) that played as the third-best pitch in the Majors during his rookie season last year.



vs 投手大谷

Ohtani vs. Sasaki is a closer call, not giving the three-time MVP any extra consideration for his two-way ability. Ohtani's proponents will point to his superior fastball finish, slider and health while noting that he had a well-above-average splitter, even if it wasn't as devastating as Sasaki's. Those who favor Sasaki do so because of his advantages with his splitter, strike-throwing and projectability.




vs Strasburg

The evaluators were similarly divided on Sasaki vs. Strasburg. Sasaki gets points for his otherworldly splitter and potentially higher ceiling. Strasburg's overall stuff was better relative to his era, his power curveball was at least a grade better than Sasaki's slider and he was stronger.




The consensus among the executives we surveyed was that Ohtani, Skenes and Strasburg had higher floors because they had more well-rounded repertoires and physicality but that Sasaki might have more upside than any of them. He joins a Dodgers organization renowned for helping players develop to their fullest potential, albeit one that has been plagued by a lot of pitching injuries as well.




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alex872501/29 11:27確實 朗希的演戲上限高很多可望競爭奧斯卡

zxc90638301/29 11:29這樣是史上最強投手新秀了吧

zxc90638301/29 11:29天花板更高欸

Yjizz01/29 11:31現役,此時此刻Skenes強穩

dd1115dd111501/29 11:32演的超難看最好被打爆

WasJohnWall01/29 11:37那這樣也是說Skenes最好了吧

s2022s01/29 11:37記得大谷現在直球蠻肉包的 是開完TJ才變這樣嗎

WasJohnWall01/29 11:38大谷第一年四縫不太行,後來才越來越強的,不然他也

WasJohnWall01/29 11:38是靠投球空降百大第一的

AisinGioro01/29 11:47大谷有改練二縫

AisinGioro01/29 11:49 文章代碼(AID): #1Z3qxcTS (MLB)

Catalyst01/29 11:53朗希比這兩位狀元強我覺得吹太高了

leoqqqoel01/29 12:02我覺得地瓜更強 球速更快 但新秀時普

ct1357901/29 12:03跟小史同期的達比修跟老查呢

carlchang09201/29 12:16地瓜巔峰直球滑球都是聯盟最頂級的而且控球也超好,

carlchang09201/29 12:16投手能在Savant上面進階幾乎都PR90以上也沒幾個了

ke265379ke01/29 12:25Skenes 控球真的蠻屌的 可以投出壓在線上和角落的火球

gekkou01/29 12:43Skenes現在就已經強爆了,朗希要投出那成績沒那麼容易吧

b9920207101/29 13:00多二逢而已 隔年還自己改爛了

b9920207101/29 13:01Skenes的Splinker現在不會輸朗希指叉

carlchang09201/29 13:04但Skenes去年Run Value最高的是Sinker RV/100有3.0

carlchang09201/29 13:04而且使用率很高有28.4%

WasJohnWall01/29 13:06Skenes記得那顆一開始是記在變速類,後來才改回速球

WasJohnWall01/29 13:06

kenkenken3101/29 13:22想起以前小史正威武,曲球和變速真的舒服

showdoggy01/29 14:06就是看中他天花板 不過也要完成的了

b9920207101/29 14:41一開始記錄在指叉 後來改放Sinker

b9920207101/29 14:42多二縫但隔年改爛我是說大谷

n6120801/29 17:29文章在講投手新秀、然後有人在談地瓜巔峰

YesHi01/29 18:00先健康再討論啦

poet111201/29 18:09繼續吹 他者玻璃手臂能健康再說

s2022s01/29 18:15對啊完全體就不用討論了

oldchang120501/29 18:48朗希控球查得遠

ia22062901/29 19:36開季見真章

ia22062901/29 19:37朗希控球升級的話就鬼了

AHEAD09901/30 05:43論第一年投出的成績 Skenes輾壓其他人