[分享] 去年有5隊想交易大谷 被天使老闆拒絕

看板Baseball標題[分享] 去年有5隊想交易大谷 被天使老闆拒絕作者
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Moreno personally vetoed the idea of trading Ohtani at last year’s trade deadline, and he told Verducci that “we had five real offers for” the superstar. But, beyond the team’s desire to retain Ohtani beyond 2023, Moreno felt there was more of a bigger-picture aspect to hanging onto such a unique player. “People ask me, ‘Shouldn’t you get something?’ But we get to see him every day. That’s not nothing. These people get to come and watch the best players. They’re going to tell their grandkids, ‘I saw Ohtani play.’ ”

The owner’s trade veto seems to still be in effect for now, as Moreno stated that “I will say it on the record, we will not trade Ohtani while we are contending for a playoff spot.” As to whether or not the Angels would entertain offers if they were out of contention, Moreno didn’t consider the possibility, saying “we expect to be a playoff contender. Everything in our plans putting this team together is about getting to the playoffs. So, I’m not going to sit here and wonder what happens in an outcome we’re not planning for. That would be like a fighter going into the ring and thinking, ‘What if I lose?’ If he does that, he will lose.”







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※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/14/2023 12:16:37

jerry0011603/14 12:21反正一定有道奇,洋基教士應該也有問,剩下兩隊

bj45112303/14 12:22球迷們很希望你賣掉天使,別毒害整個球團

tinghsi03/14 12:25球迷告訴自己子孫:這隊有大谷跟鱒魚結果進不了季後

jomon81703/14 12:262個mvp卻沒季後賽可打

addisonwu03/14 12:38大谷都想走了你還在願景

visviva03/14 12:39他真的很雷 說要賣又反悔 X

lookers03/14 12:42賣掉大谷 大谷會變隱形人球迷看不到嗎

redsoxnation03/14 12:56看到沒,天使球團只想打進季後賽,而不是奪冠

redsoxnation03/14 12:57浪費了鱒魚跟大谷的時間

Godofthebutt03/14 13:57"球團預期自己能成為季後賽的競爭者" ¿¿¿¿

WiLLSTW03/14 14:21一定有道奇洋基教士梅子