[情報] OP 邦山
Shohei Ohtani is pitching Game 1 of the doubleheader tomorrow. He will hit
both games.
The Angels decided that hitting 2 games on Thursday and then traveling was
too much for the day before he pitched.
Sandoval pitching Game 2.
打完雙重賽就要飛多倫多 怕影響大谷投球準備
天使決定提早讓大谷主投明天老虎雙重賽的第一戰 第二戰給Sandoval
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[閒聊] 大谷因巴士塞車來不及熱身 改為打擊上場Joe Maddon said that Ohtani was on one of the Angels buses that got stuck in t ransit across the bay to Oakland, so he had to take BART. That made him too la te to get his proper prep to pitch, so he's pitching tomorrow instead. 本來今天是投手大谷的日子爆
[情報] 大谷翔平 本季不會再上場投球Shohei Ohtani is not going to pitch on Sunday. He’s going to “shut er down,” Maddon said. He will hit the rest of the way. Decision made by Ohtani and Angels Maddon說大谷關機了,不會投禮拜天的比賽,剩下的比賽都會擔任打者 這是由大谷以及天使球團共同做出的決定49
[分享] 大谷翔平 預計明年每六天上場投一次球Phil Nevin said Shohei Ohtani will pitch every 6th day every time possible next season. Last year he pitched on the 7th day a lot when there was an off day in b etween. So this time they’ll just skip someone if there’s an off day. Still us ing a 6-man rotation. #Angels45
[情報] 天使預計明天比賽將取消DHMaddon said "as of right now," Shohei Ohtani will hit tomorrow when he's pitching. That will be the first time he does that in a MLB regular season game. Maddon說明天大谷翔平先發投球也會打擊37
[分享] 今日 大谷翔平今日雙重賽第一戰 (先發第五棒、指定打擊) AB R H RBI BB SO AVG Ohtani 2 1 0 0 1 1 0.169 今日雙重賽第二戰 (先發第四棒、指定打擊) AB R H RBI BB SO AVG26
Re: [分享] 今日大谷翔平Shohei Ohtani has become the 5th player IN HISTORY with a 2.0 WAR or better as both a hitter AND a pitcher in 1 season IT’S ONLY JUNE- 資料來源 Due to the forecast of severe inclement weather, tonight’s game has been postponed. For more information, visit . 今日天使 vs 老虎 因底特律天候因素延賽
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