[情報] 前白襪投手Middleton批評老東家球隊文化

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The struggling Chicago White Sox, whose fall out of contention culminated with moving veteran players at the trade deadline, were plagued by a culture that had"no rules" in which a rookie regularly fell asleep in the bullpen, former WhiteSox relief pitcher Keynan Middleton said Sunday.



"We came in with no rules," Middleton said. "I don't know how you police the culture if there are no rules or guidelines to follow because everyone is doing their own thing. Like, how do you say anything about it because there are no rules?

"You have rookies sleeping in the bullpen during the game. You have guys missing meetings. You have guys missing PFPs (pitcher fielding practices), and there are no consequences for any of this stuff."



Multiple sources, who corroborated Middleton's account to ESPN, said a pitcher was seen napping during games as well as skipping fielding practice.

When contacted Sunday night about Middleton's remarks, the White Sox said they had no comment.



"The second I found out I was traded, I shaved my face," Middleton said. "I wasready to play by their rules because all I want to do is win games. ... You know how to act [here]. You know not to be late and you know there are consequencesif you are late."


"When I got to spring training, I heard a lot of the same stuff was happening last year," Middleton said. "It's happening again this year, so not sure how I could change it. They don't tell you not to miss PFPs. They don't tell you not to miss meetings, and if it happens, it's just, 'OK.'"


"I wouldn't say anything bad about the pitching staff," Middleton said. "We went about our work the right way. I think the rest of the team struggled to do theright thing."


"If you're trying to create culture, you need your big dogs," Middleton said. "The guys who played in the WBC were our big dogs, and those are the guys I feel like can police the things that are happening.


"There was no jelling of the team. We're supposed to find our identity in spring training so we can roll out for the season. If you don't find your identity, you're scuffling from Day 1."


Asked where the void exists with the White Sox, Middleton said: "Leadership in general. They say s--- rolls downhill. I feel like some guys don't want to speakup when they should have. It's hard to police people when there are no rules. If guys are doing things that you think are wrong, who is it wrong to? You or them? It's anyone's judgment at that point."


On Monday, Middleton returns to Chicago for a three-game series against his former team, happy to be in a new setting.

"You hear about it before you come over here," Middleton said. "Did I want to shave my beard off? Hell no. I had to. I wanted to be a part of [the Yankees]. There was no question."




比賽睡覺 缺席練習跟會議還沒人管是真的太扯= =


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polanco08/08 07:27比富邦還誇張

ljk47682008/08 07:30白襪喔 嘖嘖

saidon08/08 07:32lance lynn接受ajp採訪時對此事也微笑默認 看來真的很誇張

glenliu08/08 07:32所以白襪有在宿舍喝到天亮嗎

saidon08/08 07:33要是拉魯沙還執教白襪 不知道這種事還會不會發生

EZ7808/08 07:34Middleton說是去年就有一樣的東西 應該就是La Russa任上就

EZ7808/08 07:34有了XD

saidon08/08 07:36所以是連老學校教頭都管不動的意思xd

yankees73308/08 07:38散漫美國人

TECHMONSTER08/08 07:53到底是哪位新秀睡覺

EZ7808/08 07:54今天好像又爆了Grandal跟Anderson打架

EZ7808/08 07:54但Grandal否認了

ghostl4080908/08 07:56真的扯

AhCheng08/08 08:02這是完全沒大人了

polanco08/08 08:05 原po推文講的事情

polanco08/08 08:06 不過看起來應該是空穴

polanco08/08 08:06來風吧

davidex08/08 08:21睡到中午

nuggets091608/08 08:21難怪今年這麼爛 可惜這些天賦

yankeefat08/08 08:2611紅襪:

dufflin08/08 08:47拉魯沙搞不好就是氣出病來的吧 臨老淌渾水 哀哉

abc1281208/08 09:10可以還給拉魯沙一個公道了

alvis00008/08 12:04管理還是有其需要 之前討論類似的話題還有人說職業球員

alvis00008/08 12:04都很成熟自律 ㄏ

thesky1408/08 12:18不自律就淘汰而已、薪水這麼高後面一堆人搶著上