[分享] Andrew Friedman談道奇季後補強目標

看板Baseball標題[分享] Andrew Friedman談道奇季後補強目標作者
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Unsurprisingly, Friedman says his top priority this offseason will be starting pitching. That means assessing internal options as well as considering potentialtrades and free agent signings. Dodgers’ starters struggled in 2023, posting an uncharacteristic 4.57 ERA and 4.37 SIERA. Things became especially bleak toward the end of the year; ten different pitchers started a game for the Dodgers in September, combining for a 4.87 ERA. The team had no shortage of depth, but too few reliable options.


As for Kershaw, Friedman made it clear that the Dodgers are “absolutely” interested in bringing the superstar pitcher back for another season. However, the ten-time All-Star hasn’t yet told the team if he plans to return. “I think he and [his wife] Ellen are going to take some time right now and assess,” the teampresident said (relayed by Fabian Ardaya of The Athletic). “The ball’s squarely in their court.”

另外也有考慮補野手:指定打擊J.D. Martinez、工具人Enrique Hernández、外野手Jason Heyward以及David Peralta都將成為自由球員。球團會需要找人取代JD馬跟Heyward的產能,也有可能補內野手讓Betts能回去右外野。

In addition to starting pitching, Friedman will also look to address position player needs during the offseason. The Dodgers had an excellent offense in 2023, finishing second in baseball in OPS and runs scored. That said, designated hitter J.D. Martinez, utility man Enrique Hernández, and outfielders Jason Heyward and David Peralta will all be free agents after the conclusion of the World Series. The team will need to replace Martinez and Heyward’s production in particular. In addition, the Dodgers might look to add a new infielder so Mookie Betts can return to a regular role in right field.

躲人總管Brandon Gomes承認紅襪想找他去面試不過他拒絕了

Gomes didn’t speak as much as his boss, but he did confirm a report that he declined to interview for the GM opening in Boston. “I’m very flattered and appreciate the interest,” he said (per Bill Plunkett of the Orange County Register). “But I love it here, and my family loves it here. I’m passionate about this organization and solely focused on winning multiple championships here.”


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cocytus3910/18 10:21取代代打JD馬 洛杉磯在等一個人

SlamKai10/18 10:22買先發 跟費城爭奪Nola吧

dawnblitz10/18 10:25補山本跟Nola

mschien829510/18 10:26怎麼感覺最後芒果會去道奇

jazon10/18 10:32芒果 山本 Nola 如果還要那一個人 錢錢夠撒嗎?

jerry0011610/18 10:37Nola如果堅持要八年大概是不會簽,比較可能追山本吧

jeff9512310/18 10:45山本、大谷、今永+++

Roshiel10/18 10:52山本必搶吧,如果比照田中第一年赴美成績ERA+有138

Roshiel10/18 10:53大谷能填上DH,如果書僮再答應丟一年就可以撐過大谷

Roshiel10/18 10:53明年不能投球的空窗期

Roshiel10/18 10:54山本+大谷 能一口氣補上兩個前段輪值

MapleLeaf15110/18 10:55感覺目標是山本+蝸牛 不過能搶到一個就不錯了

MapleLeaf15110/18 10:55今年一堆球隊要補SP 至於那一個人 不知道有沒有本

MapleLeaf15110/18 10:55錢再等一年 畢竟明年又一個少主要進FA

maimai206310/18 10:56日本投手會同一隊兩個嗎?

laking10/18 10:59就說躲人一定是以先發優先補強了

polanco10/18 11:00田中跟黑田就同隊過了

rayterzll10/18 11:03躲人季後賽打線很慘 木屐只有例行賽可以看 火力還是要

rayterzll10/18 11:03

colalight10/18 11:12搶蝸牛啦 躲人殺手捏

Nikagnef10/18 11:25問就是山本跟大谷 外加Kiké跟老柯蕭 選我正解

laking10/18 11:30如果柯蕭還是20M就太貴囉

jympin10/18 11:33柯蕭這叫貴?

dhec10701p10/18 11:36Fun fact: 田中跟黑田同隊的時候還有布魯斯喔

Mikufans10/18 11:38科蕭哪裡貴

JonaGoGo10/18 11:47又要DH還要先發 那個人等一年就都給你了

god104410/18 11:54説科蕭貴是在雲喔

laking10/18 11:59如果躲人什麼都要大谷+山本+Snell,在這個情況下再補柯蕭你

laking10/18 11:59覺得貴不貴

laking10/18 12:00在這情況下如果他要留在躲人就算貴,如果他去別隊拿這價

laking10/18 12:00格合理,而且他近年不太健康,季後賽也很不穩

laking10/18 12:05在躲人可能要搶這些人的情況下柯蕭要留下只能自己降價

laking10/18 12:06不然就是等自由市場的人合約都確定後再看吧

andy81810210/18 12:13在等一個人

polanco10/18 12:15都還沒確定道奇補到誰 你想得也太遠了

Yjizz10/18 12:47寶兒 嘿~還要撐還要封殺我嗎?

yt01000410/18 13:28松坂跟上原也同隊過吧 不知道那時還有沒有 岡島

laking10/18 14:21你站在Friedman的立場本來就要想的遠,究竟用20M留下柯蕭

laking10/18 14:21對於明年的躲人是不是必要的

laking10/18 14:21因為豪華稅課稅也有分等級的

laking10/18 14:22很難做到全都要勢必得取捨還有得不到後的備案

Texsogood10/18 17:31明年飆樂會回來吧?

god104410/19 08:01大谷、山本、蝸牛?想多了吧!