[情報] Miguel Cabrera 將擔任老虎隊總裁特助

看板Baseball標題[情報] Miguel Cabrera 將擔任老虎隊總裁特助作者
時間推噓11 推:12 噓:1 →:3

Miguel Cabrera will remain in Detroit following his retirement when the 2023 season comes to a close, as the Tigers announced today that Cabrera will take on a role in the front office as a special assistant to president of baseball operations Scott Harris. Cabrera had previously indicated that 2023 would be the final season of his career last year

老虎隊正式宣佈,即將退休的一代名將Miguel Cabrera 自賽季結束後,將擔任老虎隊棒球事務部總裁Scott Harris 的特別助理,繼續為老虎隊貢獻心力。

As noted by Evan Petzold of the Detroit Free Press, Tigers chairman Chris Ilitch spoke glowingly of the future Hall of Famer in a statement. “My father (longtime Tigers owner Mike Ilitch) was incredibly fond of Miggy and made sure he was a Tiger for the remainder of his playing career. We’re thrilled to extend our relationship into the next chapter of his life,” Ilitch said, “While i
t may be the end of an era, it’s a new beginning as Miguel will continue to pass along his baseball wisdom, culture-shaping values, and mentorship to the next generation of Tigers players, who can aspire to the level of greatness that Miguel has achieved.”

老虎隊老闆Chris Illitch 在一份聲明中表示:「我的父親Mike (老虎隊上一任老闆)非常喜歡Miguel ,並確保他一直是老虎隊的一員。我們很高興我們的關係能延續到他人生的下一篇章;雖然這將會是一個時代的結束,卻也是另一個開始,Miguel 將持續把他的棒球智慧,塑造文化的價值等等傳承給下一代的老虎隊球員。」


心得:其實這也算老虎長年以來的做法,之前就有聘任過去的名將來擔任特助協助球隊,包括老虎先生Al Kaline 過去也是。


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saiulbb09/30 10:18其實還蠻好奇特助的工作是甚麼 像顧問嗎 還是像教練


※ 編輯: JasonTsai23 ( 臺灣), 09/30/2023 10:19:45

heyhimoly09/30 10:19教練培訓班?

dyrhue112609/30 10:23像朗神那樣吧


KingCherry09/30 10:26就是吉祥物的概念

saidon09/30 10:27特*

starxls09/30 10:28就跟朗神一樣吧 直屬老闆 球員本身想如何協助都行

erodora09/30 10:36不想給他當教練隨便塞一個職務給他吧 當教練很快就黑了

atp249809/30 10:45跟邦邦的卡古一樣阿 閒閒領薪水

LatteCat556609/30 10:54公關大使的意思

s25528109/30 10:55顧問的概念

cl3bp609/30 10:57特助就老闆的分身

hjt1120121309/30 11:00一班公司特助都是老闆家人或是親信在當的

johnwu09/30 11:02跟一朗一樣

※ 編輯: JasonTsai23 ( 臺灣), 09/30/2023 11:04:15

nekoten09/30 11:38底特律恰哥

x406809/30 12:19海外特*

Leo092309/30 15:05再打一年吧