[情報] Mike Clevinger回白襪

看板Baseball標題[情報] Mike Clevinger回白襪作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:5

Reunion: Free-agent pitcher Mike Clevinger and the Chicago White Sox are in agreement on a contract, pending physical, according to a source familiar with the deal.



Terms of Mike Clevinger’s contract with the Chicago White Sox, per sources: one-year, $3 million with $3 million in incentives. The deal is pending a physical.

保障薪水3M 激勵獎金3M

去年在白襪24場先發 3.77ERA


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nekoten04/02 11:09柯雷文哲

dan512004/02 11:09文哲

dd1115dd111504/02 11:10好慘

polanco04/02 11:10調整好應該有機會擔任三號先發?

nacl049704/02 11:10重回風城,克雷文哲

wryyyyyyyy04/02 11:11白色力量

hansvonboltz04/02 11:11柯雷文哲回到白

lyt556604/02 11:14釣起來

carlchang09204/02 11:153.77還可以吧當個三號應該很夠,而且還是白襪欸XDD

ganlinlowsu04/02 11:15柯雷文哲 風城 白色力量 三大要素俱備

Darvish556604/02 11:21接下來看有沒有ERA7.30

bj45112304/02 11:26去年明明投的不錯真的好慘

andy030504/02 11:27假老二當三號先發 沒啥問題

tasiki200204/02 11:32還以為ERA是3.69

davidex04/02 11:40白襪力量

davidex04/02 11:44球場有小草嗎?

Adam661304/02 11:48拖這麼久吃虧的還是自己 可憐哪柯雷文哲

storyf6601404/02 11:55會7:30先發嗎

aa7520tw04/02 12:28白襪現在輪值變超爛

lyk19194704/02 12:46這成績還行阿怎麼這麼慘