[情報] Aaron Judge 抓了BALL OP
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[炸裂] Aaron Judge NO.43 生涯第300轟洋基對上白襪八局上一出局一二壘有人, 白襪敬遠Soto選擇抓Judge但直接被懲罰, 一發初速110.1mph的全壘打, 幫助洋基擴大為9 : 2領先。 -----爆
[炸裂] Aaron Judge四局上半 Aaron Judge在兩人出局一、二壘有人的情況下 敲出了一發三分砲 是本季第51轟 幫助洋基隊取得7:2的領先爆
[分享] Aaron Judge 破mlb歷史紀錄Aaron Judge是mlb歷史上第一位9月前 50轟120打點100保送打者 從Aaron Judge生涯第一次被趕出場後 過去94場比賽打了44發全壘打91
[分享] Aaron Boone: 不打算更動Judge的棒次Aaron Boone says he has no plans to move Aaron Judge in the Yankees' lineup (via @snyyankees) 洋基隊總教練 Aaron Boone 今天在賽前記者會接受訪問時表示並不打算更動 Aaron Judge 的棒次44
[分享] Aaron Judge本季首位fwar 超過5的人一個半月前Aaron Judge fwar還不到1fwar Aaron Judge has a 5.1 fWAR (1st in MLB) Juan Soto has a 4.1 fWAR (4th in MLB) 上季除了Aaron Judge以外洋基沒有其他人fwar超過3.8 這場打完wRC+來到了21738
[分享] 62轟的球價值至少200萬鎂來源:ClutchPoints 網址: The lucky fan that caught Aaron Judge's historic 62nd HR ball is being taken by security to have the ball authenticated. 接到Aaron Judge那顆破紀錄62轟的幸運球迷馬上就被保全接走,認證那一顆球。33
[分享] 自7/12以來Aaron Judge 上壘率6成13今年Aaron Judge本季超高的上壘率 目前遙遙領先其他人 從7/12以來Aaron Judge 上壘率6成13 目前本季上壘率4成66 他的隊友Juan Soto 2021年 上壘率4成65(縮水賽季4成9上壘率)26
[分享] 洋基隊史66場比賽23轟的人Aaron JudgeAaron Judge 2024 Aaron Judge 2022 Aaron Judge 2017 Alex Rodriguez 2007 Roger Maris 196120
[分享] Judge 本季第62號全壘打球拍賣成交價150萬BREAKING NEWS After declining a $3,000,000 offer for Aaron Judge’s 62nd Home Run ball, Corey Youmans elected to send the ball to auction. Well that auction just ended and…12
[情報] 光芒隊曾經報價10Y/300M給Aaron Judge現在傳出在2022年時候光芒隊 曾經報價10Y/300M給Aaron Judge 不過Aaron Judge最終回到洋基隊 --