[分享] 美國espn在跟kbo接洽轉播

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ESPN approaches KBO about airing S. Korean baseball games in U.S.: sources

By Yoo Jee-ho

SEOUL, April 14 (Yonhap) -- The U.S. sports broadcasting giant ESPN has
approached the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) about possibly airing South
Korean baseball games to the American audience, informed sources told Yonhap
News Agency on Tuesday.

The sources added that ESPN, for the time being, is showing only some passinginterest, and nothing concrete has been determined as far as the format or
the extent of the broadcast, if it comes to that.

With all professional and amateur sports on hold indefinitely due to the
coronavirus pandemic, ESPN has been struggling to fill dead air. ESPN holds
rights to Major League Baseball (MLB) games, with Sunday Night Baseball, the
exclusive evening game on Sundays during the regular season, being its
signature baseball showcase.

Just like MLB, the KBO has also delayed the start of its season. But at leastits teams have been practicing and playing intrasquad scrimmages, which are
being streamed on YouTube and Korean portal sites and have drawn interest
from baseball-hungry fans and from baseball journalists in search of fresh
material in the U.S.

With the number of COVID-19 cases steadily falling and staying below 50 for
the sixth consecutive day on Tuesday, the KBO is hopeful that it could begin
the regular season in early May and salvage a full, 144-game season.

"ESPN first asked MLB to put them in touch with the KBO," one source said.
"Then they contacted the KBO about how to go about showing Korean games in
the U.S. But as far as I know, there haven't been any specific talks about
how they're going to air games."

Another source said ESPN, following its conversation with the KBO, recently
reached out to a local agency that owns KBO's overseas broadcasting rights.
But that discussion, too, hasn't really gone anywhere so far.

Despite South Korea's international success in baseball, including the 2008
Olympic gold medal and the runner-up finish at the 2009 World Baseball
Classic, the KBO has been largely viewed as a novelty or curiosity among the
U.S. audience and has been best known for viral highlight packages showing
bloopers and demonstrative bat flips -- some of them on deep flyouts or foulsjust wide of the poles.


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starchiang04/14 11:37KBO發大財

hugh50904/14 11:37中職就是湊合著看而已

teddy120904/14 11:37不找我們嗎

HOLYXXXX04/14 11:39呵 4隻球隊還在世界之光

bire04/14 11:39 我們才四隊 說實在精采度真的不高

Kazmier04/14 11:39畢竟KBO實力受大聯盟認可啊

kevincn1304/14 11:40打完一輪就沒新鮮感了

Kazmier04/14 11:41人家入扎挑戰的多 也很多洋將重返大聯盟啊

GWang04/14 11:42中職只能當搞笑節目看

Arnol04/14 11:42什麼啊 美國人真的是沒腦袋 看中職歡樂才多

shifa04/14 11:44看中職很麻煩,一下催眠一下又在那邊搞翻盤 XD

percy9072304/14 11:46樓下跳針12強打不贏我們

TAKE04/14 11:47光球場就輸慘了

starchiang04/14 11:48KBO已經輸出好幾個大聯盟球員了

shc72304/14 11:49墊檔用的

starchiang04/14 11:49中職只有輸出一個,而且還是搞到很難看的那種

kevin1952804/14 11:49為!什!麼!不跟中職接洽!

arthurhsu12304/14 11:50水準低的比賽是要表示什麼

beast196904/14 11:50中職本來就只能搶頭彩 很難細水長流

shifa04/14 11:52中職可以跟國外賭盤合作啊 (喂

cooldidi50004/14 11:55一場比賽22局投16個BB 這種比賽是想賣給誰???

bb4ever04/14 11:56其實韓職守備一樣很搞笑。中職就是輸在隊伍太少而已

zzzz051604/14 11:56美國綜藝節目頻道不考慮找中職嗎?

zzzz051604/14 11:57可以從開頭笑到最後喔,歡笑程度滿滿

Darvish083104/14 11:57中職才4隊 比大學裡系壘聯賽還少隊 對戰組合少 會膩

zeus766804/14 12:00呵呵 世界之光

suzhou04/14 12:00韓職守備要看前段班還是後段班,後段有明顯幾個大洞

pollux94504/14 12:01紓壓娛樂性輸中職

rony9804/14 12:01講過很多次了 只要各國肯拉下臉閉門打 中職就沒報導價值了

Kitakami04/14 12:01中職粉崩潰

suzhou04/14 12:02NC前年就是三遊傷兵爆炸,樂天去年捕手拿新人上去被虐

rony9804/14 12:02說難聽點現在中職對其他國球迷來說就是重播看膩了墊檔用的

jacky844a04/14 12:02整天在那邊隊伍少 無知

suzhou04/14 12:03韓職即使在八隊時期也一樣有大漏洞問題

poieyun11604/14 12:03水準只有高階1A的中職要給美國人看?

suzhou04/14 12:04大家都忘了起亞虎軍的黑暗期,內野防守崩潰成什麼鬼樣

suzhou04/14 12:06韓華在21世紀後,除了燃燒柳胖,萬年自殺棒加破洞手套

cooldogy197304/14 12:06都這樣還要被人強迫改名呢

s56678904/14 12:07KBO不錯啊 只是中職也可以參考看看吧

zeus766804/14 12:07那個記者只是講出實話 很多外國球迷只在意世界上還有棒

zeus766804/14 12:07球在打 根本不在意地點是哪裡 我們就以為台灣被世界看見

suzhou04/14 12:07還有更經典的LG,季外湊了F5明星外野,結果外野去內野亂守

a3945201104/14 12:09CPBL勒

MiharuHubby04/14 12:09不錯阿 讓美國人看看韓國也很慘

suzhou04/14 12:09韓職若是五場挑一場前段班對決,內容是還不會太慘烈就是了

suzhou04/14 12:10但以老外今年特愛有海外關係的樂天巨人相關報導,嗯....

suzhou04/14 12:11起亞虎還有國聯冠軍監督,但那陣容,還是建議少播XD

bbset04/14 12:12很正常啊 日職開打就會改播日職了

iwinlottery04/14 12:12Kbo要旅外潮了嗎

suzhou04/14 12:13老美應該會對英雄隊那幾個未來可能賣出去的比較有興趣

suzhou04/14 12:14反正關門打,英雄隊的弱點就不會被發現了XDD

starchiang04/14 12:17不是不能把台灣的名字推銷出去,趁這個時候多行銷也好

starchiang04/14 12:17但太在意行銷台灣,在全球蔓延武漢肺炎的時刻,是很怪

mibbl004/14 12:23上次KBO外銷給國外的已經是在2018年了

suuuda04/14 12:27中職可憐哪

starchiang04/14 12:29中職也有外銷到日本喔,11有傳送統一樂天的比賽

aalittle04/14 12:30統一會傳送一半嗎? 不是有的比賽是momo播嗎

phix04/14 12:32人家出了柳賢振

starchiang04/14 12:33基本上是主場,一天一場

omanorboyo04/14 12:41歐美人肯早起看中職免費線上轉播就該偷笑了...

omanorboyo04/14 12:42畢竟也才四隊 實力又弱於日韓

sumo04/14 12:42韓職有趣啊 實力大概從業餘到大聯盟都有

BusterPosey04/14 12:49可撥

cscjp604/14 12:52看王維中KBO的比賽覺得一隊裡球員落差大

lobaseballve04/14 12:544隊就是硬傷

nathan407404/14 13:03看過NC就覺得中職也不差

ILLwill04/14 13:144隊就是不行,只有笨蛋覺得可行

ILLwill04/14 13:14越南泰國的一級足球聯賽都十隊以上

starchiang04/14 13:42足球跟棒球成本差這麼多

zxcv369004/14 14:28cpbl就是一個比賽最後會翻盤的比賽

Mits519004/14 17:09球隊少外國看到還以為怎麼一直在重播