[情報] 基特:他們沒有去酒吧,只是群聚沒戴口罩

看板Baseball標題[情報] 基特:他們沒有去酒吧,只是群聚沒戴口罩作者
時間推噓10 推:13 噓:3 →:3



"The entire traveling party got a little too comfortable,"

"Guys were around each other, they got relaxed and they let their guard
down," Jeter said. "They were getting together in groups. They weren't
wearing masks as much as they should have; they weren't social distancing."

"Our guys were not running all around town in Atlanta," he said. "We did havea couple of individuals leave the hotel. We had guys leave to get coffee, to
get clothes. A guy left to have dinner at a teammate's house. There were no
other guests on-site. There was no salacious activity. There was no hanging
out at bars, no clubs, no running around Atlanta."


"We have a lot of players who are asymptomatic, and we have players who are
showing mild symptoms,"



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polanco08/04 10:24XDDDDDDD

zzyyxx7708/04 10:24停車場打

Miyanishi2508/04 10:25那就是排骨酥湯啊

b9920207108/04 10:25陳偉殷:哈哈哈

※ 編輯: sam92084 ( 臺灣), 08/04/2020 10:25:40

a1030402508/04 10:27樓下你信嗎

localhost08/04 10:27跟弟弟用我手機一樣可信

shawn121508/04 10:27吃雞翅而已啦

neroASHS08/04 10:28有差嗎

quando22508/04 10:28相信啦 那次不相信

coolrr08/04 10:29哈哈哈

TAKE08/04 10:34上樑不正 下樑歪

TBdrays08/04 10:48你都知道怎麼不管一下?

kkjjkkjj08/04 10:54沒差啦台灣人群聚也不帶了啦

teramars08/04 10:56有點辣雞翅嗎?

ji394tb08/04 11:22好了啦

finalzerd08/04 11:42我沒有釣魚,只是把魚鉤放下去而已

sunnydragon708/04 11:47NBA吃雞翅,MLB喝咖啡

doomx08/04 11:55吉特就是正義

bullace08/04 12:09上樑不正