[情報] WSBC通過電競加入世界棒壘球比賽

看板Baseball標題[情報] WSBC通過電競加入世界棒壘球比賽作者
時間推噓34 推:35 噓:1 →:16



BREAKING NEWS: The World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) Executive Board (EB) has approved the inclusion of E-Sports as a discipline of baseball and softball, setting the stage for future official E-Baseball and E-Softball international competitions and World Cups/Championships.

The EB passed a resolution formally adopting E-Sports as the virtual version of the sport, along with Baseball5 - a five-on-five street version of the sport - and agreed to notify all National Federations of this decision.

Following E-Sports’ integration into the WBSC Statutes, which will be put forward for approval to the WBSC Congress in 2022, the world governing body will establish the rules and regulations for the governance of E-Baseball and E-Softball competitions, in addition to preparing for the launch of the WBSC’s first E-Game next year.

WBSC President Riccardo FRACCARI said: “The welcoming of E-Sports into the WBSC family comes at a critical time, considering the fast-evolving digital world in which we live and the ongoing global pandemic.

“The WBSC looks forward to more progressive innovation in the dynamic and youth-focused space of E-Sports, which will expand the reach of our sport to millions of potential gamers and fans.

“Advancing future-oriented initiatives such as online/virtual competitions will support the development of baseball and softball -- and all disciplines under them -- for many years to come."

Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


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lpig30120112/11 10:49所以終於可以用鍵盤打棒球參加奧運囉

assnccu878712/11 10:49bbo 實況?

ultratimes12/11 10:49實況野球霸主 看誰是電競亞軍王

tsaodin022012/11 10:49全民打棒球奧運?

VVizZ12/11 10:50笑死 以後靠全民打棒球進奧運

※ 編輯: erson ( 臺灣), 12/11/2020 10:50:33

globalhooper12/11 10:50甩:打電動?

mibbl012/11 10:51實況野球要新增韓職 中職 MLB了

taric88812/11 10:51某隊可以安心玩手遊了嗎

WeGoStyle12/11 10:52所以以後真的會有鍵盤打者、鍵盤投手

akanishiking12/11 10:52那課長不就贏定了 日本隊派出達比修有

wl0066977312/11 10:53給EA做新的棒球遊戲好嗎qq

VVizZ12/11 10:53某詹根本超前佈署 大家錯怪他

※ 編輯: erson ( 臺灣), 12/11/2020 10:54:02

yohstart201612/11 10:54笑死 人人紫卡嗎

※ 編輯: erson ( 臺灣), 12/11/2020 10:55:55

Jimimy12/11 10:54EA sports,to the game

chargebro12/11 10:56是要用哪款遊戲?實況野球?

polanco12/11 10:56實況野球本來就有電競比賽了吧

lin3689104212/11 10:57野球魂 或 實況野球 或 2K吧

paul5111012/11 10:57全民打棒球根本比課金的

aseric85246612/11 10:58真˙鍵盤教練

WiLLSTW12/11 10:58實況野球日本有聯賽 npb辦的

mibbl012/11 10:59實況野球的電競聯賽一堆怪物 囧

hans719212/11 10:59聯賽是全隊都自己創角嗎? XD

mibbl012/11 10:59不是 都是用今年球季的選手

ihcc12/11 10:59滿滿的鍵總準備好了

mibbl012/11 11:00Konami的YT頻道有在轉播

hans719212/11 11:01日本的電競熱衷的跟世界主流確實有點不同 XD

QQbrownie12/11 11:02推用野球魂比較有趣

ivan60912/11 11:04用中職隊伍尻爆MLB 中職>>>MLB??

coon18212/11 11:07彩虹社準備好了

bye200712/11 11:08實況野球

hans719212/11 11:10搞不好電競選手調度跟戰術比真正總A強 XDD

pamgyajayson12/11 11:11小雞滑球

Kevin060812/11 11:15老闆利多 儲值儲起來

mibbl012/11 11:16

mibbl012/11 11:16他們12/5就開打了

nobeldd12/11 11:17the show 也一堆怪物

tom9218612/11 11:29版上一堆天才 台灣應該會世界冠軍了吧

tom9218612/11 11:29Mvp2005刷起來

andy202199512/11 11:30MVP2005

waggamsn12/11 11:41先猜主打2k

akanishiking12/11 11:44樓上lag很久了 2k已經退出棒球遊戲市場許久了 現在

akanishiking12/11 11:44單機只剩THE SHOW

briankch12/11 11:46達比修要用魂a登頂了

CoreySeager12/11 12:11說真的玩到現在還是EA SPORTS的遊戲最精緻

homer0012/11 12:12BBO Olympic Gold Medal

kkjjkkjj12/11 12:3113統一?

omanorboyo12/11 12:43要選哪款阿?

peterlee9712/11 12:50MVP baseball 2020?

jses112/11 12:51又沒有說是要用哪款,大家也無法提前準備啊

slamblock1512/11 13:17MVP RJ的滑球超噁

cobras63812/11 14:05等等 你要用哪一個遊戲都沒講耶

ReNewable12/11 16:34指定只能用本國球員???