Fw: [外電] 針對Trevor Bauer的禁制令細節曝光

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Details of restraining order filed against Dodgers' Trevor Bauer emerge

2021/7/1 Updated 5:53 GMT+8
By Brittany Ghiroli and Katie Strang

A domestic violence restraining order filed against Los Angeles Dodgers
pitcher Trevor Bauer executed on June 28 includes multiple graphic images
from the woman who filed the request.

一名女性對Trevor Bauer提出的家暴保護令於6/28生效,證據包含了該名女性提供的數張血腥照片。

In the 67-page ex-parte document, which was obtained by The Athletic, the
woman said Bauer assaulted her on two different occasions, punching her in
the face and buttocks, and strangling her to the point where she lost
consciousness several times.

體育媒體The Athletic取得了女方的陳述。女方表示Bauer兩度攻擊她,揍她的臉和臀部,並且掐她掐到她數度昏迷。

On Tuesday, the Pasadena Police Department confirmed to The Athletic that
Bauer was under investigation for an alleged assault. The woman was granted atemporary restraining order against the Dodgers right-hander stemming from
the incident last month at Bauer's residence in Pasadena.


When contacted by The Athletic on Wednesday with a request for comment, Bauer’s camp declined further comment and deferred to the statement made on
Tuesday night by Bauer's agent, Jon Fetterolf.

In the statement, Bauer denied the allegations, and Fetterolf said the
woman's claims came from a brief and consensual sexual relationship that
started in April and that Bauer and the alleged victim had not spoken over
the past six weeks.

Bauer陣營被The Athletic問及此事,拒絕進一步評論,重申Bauer的經紀人Jon Fetterolf周二晚間的聲明。


Also on Tuesday, the Dodgers said they were made aware of the allegations
against Bauer and immediately contacted Major League Baseball, which will be


Bauer and the woman first met on Instagram and agreed to meet in Los Angeles
on April 21. In the report, the woman says they initially had consensual sex,but that Bauer then assaulted her, including choking her with her hair until
she became unconscious and anally penetrating her without her consent. After
the initial meeting, the two agreed to meet again on May 15 and during that
encounter, the woman says Bauer assaulted her again, punching her in the faceand body.


The woman, who is 27 years old, provided multiple pictures as part of the
request to the court. In those photos, the woman's face is visibly bruised
and swollen, including under both of her eyes.


As part of the request to the court, the woman also provided text messages
and screenshots of voicemails she said Bauer sent to her inquiring about her
wellbeing and checking in with her to see what he could do. The woman also
said that she underwent two medical examinations in connection with her


The woman said in her declaration she was diagnosed with an acute head injuryand assault by manual strangulation, and that she is willing to share her
medical notes with the court.


No charges had been filed as of Wednesday morning, however, the woman's
attorney said he expects that to change soon.

"We anticipate there will be criminal action against Mr. Bauer and it is our
hope law enforcement will take our client's allegations and case seriously,"
said the woman's lawyer, Marc Garelick, in a statement.


有訂閱The Athletic的人可以看這篇更詳細的:


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: leegogo ( 臺灣), 07/01/2021 09:05:44

polanco07/01 09:06強bauer了

sustainer12307/01 09:07玩那麼大 霸王硬上肛

zxc90638307/01 09:085/15還見面?

p0817111007/01 09:09家暴賽揚

bbbruce07/01 09:10自毀前程

HOLYXXXX07/01 09:12窒息式性愛

Kyameron07/01 09:13SJW要殺進道奇球場了嗎

MindWork07/01 09:13查一下這位女鮑餌是不是他隊球迷

kkjjkkjj07/01 09:14玩這麼大

chrisk061307/01 09:165/15又見面是哪招?? 越想越不對勁?

mtyk1010007/01 09:17照片都有 完了

mayzn07/01 09:17看起來有點慘,幫QQ..對方看起來就是做足準備才去申請的

cuteboy81407/01 09:17好奇道奇會如何處理 Bauer

mepass07/01 09:17有沒有行房記錄器

AHEAD09907/01 09:17年薪4000萬鎂的誘惑

polanco07/01 09:18不是啊 就算一開始雙方同意 玩到對方昏迷就有問題吧

akanishiking07/01 09:18拜託給這個會打女人的白種男人終身禁賽!

max260407/01 09:194/21那發讓他意猶未盡所以5/15想再來一次嗎

kimja07/01 09:20某些推文真噁心

AHEAD09907/01 09:21搞不好Bauer很懂渣男套路有把人家哄出來了啊

AHEAD09907/01 09:21

b9920207107/01 09:21會直接跟mlb說掰掰嗎?

ntubuta07/01 09:21越想越不對勁

hbk2049107/01 09:21有錢就想酒肉臭

ak74box07/01 09:22一代強投殞落

WasJohnWall07/01 09:22GG啦

cuteboy81407/01 09:22簽大約的第一年就自毀前程 可憐哪

eon407/01 09:23原來被掐到失去意識後還可以再約見面 wow 大開眼界呢

qwamnbfgop2107/01 09:23月工月工 嘔嘔嘔嘔

zizou07/01 09:24gg了....

HOLYXXXX07/01 09:25kobe沒事 他應該也會沒事的

FncRookie00107/01 09:25啊你都被不合意性交了5/15再見一次幹嘛

Kalata07/01 09:27對阿 一開始合意 中途未經同意 5/15又再來一次 越想越不對

Kalata07/01 09:27勁??

Tr3vyy07/01 09:27爽到再來一次?

eon407/01 09:28樓上別講那麼直 女權看到會暴氣

CMPunk07/01 09:34這種新聞通常都要拔草測風向一下

sfalco07/01 09:34要錢的....還會再出來一次..這個好笑,被跳了

Kyameron07/01 09:34曼巴精神 #MambaChallenge

copyflyN07/01 09:38大概會直接一筆金額和解,女方直接退休

abc3321107/01 09:41越想越不對勁吧?5/15是怎麼回事

laba556607/01 09:41LA不意外

copyflyN07/01 09:44樓上突破盲點,原來是LA

Kyameron07/01 09:44他如果有把這事拍成Vlog 今天就不怕被告了 唉

jones21027207/01 09:46#越想越不對

sdiaa07/01 09:47窒息式性愛~ 低氧狀態下爽度會高幾倍~

mepass07/01 09:50繼續看下去吧

n61301107/01 09:51如果判刑 剩下合約躲人要付錢?

polanco07/01 09:53官司打完還是可以拍片啊 內容一樣是問做什麼事合法 什麼

polanco07/01 09:53事不合法

heureux30707/01 09:54再次證明挺進步主義的都是這種冠冕堂皇的咖小,私下

heureux30707/01 09:54比誰都亂

saidon07/01 09:56樓上可以直接跳到這種結論 真是天才

alex872507/01 09:57感覺那個再見面一次會變成攻防關鍵

modkk07/01 09:58笑死 有人直接滑坡到神結論 保守主義也有私底下很垃圾的我

modkk07/01 09:58提出來你會不會崩潰啊

alex872507/01 09:59任何主義 各種理念的支持者都會有這種人啦

modkk07/01 09:59那個事後再見面一次保證無罪或是傷害賠一賠就沒事了,看起

modkk07/01 09:59來就是兩邊玩太大跟事後不對勁

haoyin010507/01 10:01致富秘訣:跟名人上床 然後開告 已被證實有效

ericisfish07/01 10:035/15還見面

Yjizz07/01 10:07如果是真的 ? 這癖好………

Yjizz07/01 10:08LA. XD

righthand07/01 10:10要求完美受害者的 小時候被體罰後 有再也不上學了嗎

modkk07/01 10:13上學是強迫的,自己想打炮不是

elfsoosuk07/01 10:13女生是多正,可以在IG認識??

triplebaka07/01 10:14鮑克

aotom07/01 10:15我小時候沒體罰,但是確實有人因為霸凌直接轉學

aotom07/01 10:17這篇最大的問題點在於5/15再次雙方同意見面

b36252s07/01 10:21總感覺包爾應該沒那麼蠢 吧

ratom031507/01 10:23被體罰不去上課是不行的欸,小學是義務教育,頂多只能

ratom031507/01 10:23轉學跟告老師;但是被人暴力傷害不同,你除了提證告人

ratom031507/01 10:23以外,還可以主動不跟他見面欸

icou07/01 10:24有照片 有紀錄

e216747107/01 10:275/15的見面沒說是約會啊 搞不好只是談事情或拿東西而已

shields556607/01 10:275/15是要談判又被扁一次嗎

e216747107/01 10:27為什麼被攻擊之後同意再見面就一定是有問題 不懂

saidon07/01 10:31好像知道righthand要說啥 但舉的例子爛到有剩xd

ratom031507/01 10:45第一次見面就對你暴力相向,還讓你失去意識的對象,你

ratom031507/01 10:45會在沒有保護的情況下再跟對方見一次面,真的勇敢。都

ratom031507/01 10:45不會怕對方再一次對你動粗

e216747107/01 10:51在這邊預設立場想像劇場都是沒有意義的 他如果能證明

e216747107/01 10:52兩次受傷真的都是Bauer搞的 這基本上就一面倒了 不管

e216747107/01 10:52女的是要錢還是怎樣

ratom031507/01 10:53誰預設立場了?我只是照著報導給出來的描述說話而已,

ratom031507/01 10:53是你在預設立場雙方見面是拿東西

ratom031507/01 10:54Bauer動手傷人是有問題的,但是要再見一次面的動機,也

ratom031507/01 10:54是需要釐清的

tmac081807/01 10:56這種咖就下去 白癡垃圾

e216747107/01 10:57你看不懂推文嗎? 我就是因為不想預設立場我才說不懂為什

e216747107/01 10:57麼再見面這件事要首先打一個問號 首先要打問號的應該是

e216747107/01 10:57Bauer到底有沒有打人吧

s95534607/01 10:58原來是打女人的垃圾,知人知面不知心

e216747107/01 10:59整篇報導看完首先去質疑再見面這件事的根本搞不清楚重點

MindWork07/01 11:00鮑爾否認指控。

johntw07/01 11:06Bauer的律師說是女方持續要求bauer掐她弄到窒息和打她臉..

johntw07/01 11:06Bauer應該是要以合意為主要抗辯了..

nuclearbomb07/01 11:10不然還能怎麼拗...覺得不太樂觀,再看看吧

johntw07/01 11:12我看就算不起訴或無罪,Bauer也免不了被禁賽了

foxey07/01 11:13有沒可能是設計好的局用來謀財啊? 索賠應該會是天文數字

ratom031507/01 11:16

ratom031507/01 11:18你開頭是這麼說的喔。而我從頭到尾都依著報導描述質疑

ratom031507/01 11:18而已,還是說我能質疑?這說不定是這案子的關鍵喔

INNBUG07/01 11:18美國有錢就沒事啦

ratom031507/01 11:18*不能

ratom031507/01 11:20了解雙方5/15再見面的原因,我相信可以把事實辨明

ratom031507/01 11:21再者,女方已經提出證據證明包爾有動手,那我為何要質

ratom031507/01 11:21疑他是否有動手?

mecheers07/01 11:30第二次還見面,女的不是智障就是想撈一筆吧

z541107/01 12:17這 Bauer真香

jerry0011607/01 12:17覺得被搓掉機率比較大,大概會錢給一給解決

jerry0011607/01 12:17不過就算是合意這樣玩風險也很大,還是自愛點吧

※ 編輯: leegogo ( 臺灣), 07/01/2021 15:45:26

sandhj07/01 18:53不愧是充滿蝻人的棒球版

csylvia07/02 09:01有些推文真是噁心到極點

edward80102207/02 13:44看起來就暴力性愛的尺度沒拿捏好吧,看留言還以為他

edward80102207/02 13:44強暴誰了