[情報] 某位球隊高層: 現金人放出來會被秒簽

看板Baseball標題[情報] 某位球隊高層: 現金人放出來會被秒簽作者
時間推噓21 推:21 噓:0 →:9

As another executive told me this week, “If Brian were out on the market, he’d have offers in five minutes.” This executive added that the industry holds Cashman in much higher esteem than the media who cover and the fans who cheer for the Yankees.



According to the Associated Press, Steinbrenner and Cashman met one week ago atYankee Stadium for early discussions about the upcoming offseason. But Steinbrenner said he remained undecided on his GM.

洋基老闆 Hal Steinbrenner在一週前有和Cashman在洋基球場開會


“We haven’t talked about anything yet,” Steinbrenner said. “Cash and I had s
ome preliminary conversions.”


I think if Cashman is not re-signed by Steinbrenner in the next few weeks, (Mets owner Steve) Cohen would be very interested in making Cashman Billy Eppler’s boss again.

而原文紐郵記者Joel Sherman則認為


The Mets are in search of a new team president with Sandy Alderson ready to step back from his duties. Cashman moving from the Bronx to Queens would be a seismic shift for baseball in the Big Apple.

梅子的總裁Sandy Alderson前陣子卸下職務



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ysiieternal10/31 23:03MLB的MMD?

cena060510/31 23:04馬上續約10年 有沒有冠軍另外再講

yyj031710/31 23:04MMD

saiulbb10/31 23:04Cashman其實是頂級的GM 真的很有N把刷子

fash589610/31 23:06MMD

amos3062710/31 23:06宇宙上單MMD

sky244210/31 23:06洋基的問題一直都是農場養不出來什麼貨色啊

sky244210/31 23:06現金人很努力在操盤了

a011413310/31 23:08國軍秒簽等級?

k3353610/31 23:08想看他去花錢更瀟灑的球隊 結果球隊季後賽一輪遊<3

xo110010/31 23:09洋基以前還有錢撒 近年簡樸許多

DeepRed041210/31 23:11現金人在MLB GM界還是前三好的吧

PeterHenson10/31 23:13完全不意外吧

slyheart10/31 23:15能在NYY扛20年GM是真的蠻強的吧

joe5140810/31 23:17宇宙GMMD

chuegou10/31 23:18MMD

v006081410/31 23:19MMD XDDD

hihibanana10/31 23:19現金人的評價一直都很好 是太多人有刻板印象覺得洋基

hihibanana10/31 23:19就是靠花大錢

a098776111010/31 23:29不夠強怎麼可能會當那麼久

a098776111010/31 23:29還是在NY這種城市

kgbc211210/31 23:34紐約MMD

chenteddy10/31 23:38MMD

takamiku10/31 23:40我襪很想要現金人當gm

hassanstar10/31 23:51MLB最欣賞的GM:現金人和Theo

r5121121411/01 00:06MLB MMD

gn0032489311/01 00:20洋基的問題主要是小老闆吧..前幾年簽的遺毒

hchs3170511/01 00:32mmd 笑死

IrritaBowel11/01 06:29意圖使人推MMD

Nady168811/01 07:45現金人真的沒什麼好嫌的